Still Longing!

"Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you,ย And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on youย For the LORD is a God of justice;ย How blessed are all those who long for Him." I3018

Hello beautiful brides.

I want to come on here and boast about my weaknesses.

I honestly thought I was much further along in my journey with My Love than I actually was.

My spouse coming around a lot more proved that. I wish I had seen it sooner but I didn't. When he came to visit the kids I would intentionally leave dishes in the sink just in case he did visit and I would stay busy. Not just sitting around with him to hang out. Well, I have stopped doing that. I've been just talking to my spouse like we are best friends again! I would even keep an eye on the clock and be sad when my spouse didn't come by after work!!!

How quickly my heart went back to my spouse.

I was very frustrated with myself because here I was yearning for a man that doesn't want me. Sharing my heart again and wow. How sad my Beloved Lord must be to see me do this again.

So last night I begged Him to help me get to the place of only wanting Him and needing Him to share my life, fears hopes, my heart, dreams with again. And thanked Him because I know He wants this too.

When I woke up this morning, I had the words " the more I seek you the more I find you" In my mind. So, I listened to this song right away. Have started to say "you're all I want all I need" again whenever I think of my spouse, which is a lot just today!

So I am excited to draw closer and closer to Him. I'm glad He showed me the truth of where my heart is at and I know He's already answering my prayers.

I'm going to go back to not praying for my spouse again and trusting that His will be done.

6 thoughts on “Still Longing!”

  1. Oh Reza ton poste me fait sourrire car tu n’es pas seule ma chรจre a faire cette petite dรฉviation.
    Moi aussi : j’ai recommencรฉ. Dire a notre cheri qu’il est mon tout.
    Alors que je prรฉparais le blog sur le Chapitre de la Bontรฉ sur sa langue dans la femme sage, jโ€™ai vu quโ€™il faut aussi รชtre gentil avec son conjoint.

    Proverbes 17:17 โ–บ
    Versets Parallรจles
    Louis Segond Bible
    L’ami aime en tout temps, Et dans le malheur il se montre un frรจre


    Oh Reza, your post makes me smile because you are not the only one, my dear, to make this little diversion.
    Me too: I did it again. To tell our Darling Lord that He is my everything.
    While I was preparing the blog about the Chapter of Kindness on his tongue in the wise woman, I saw you also have to be kind to your spouse.

    Proverbs 17:17 โ–บ
    Parallel verses
    Louis Segond Bible
    The friend loves at all times, And in misfortune he shows himself a brother

  2. Thank you, dear Rasa, there was also a period of time at the beginning of my journey when I went back and forth between letting go and then falling back into longing for my (ex) spouse. But like Yvonne also shared, I also started to focus on the Abundant Life lessons ( and that really helped me. As well as repeating:
    You’re ALL I Want
    You’re ALL I Need
    When I have YOU I have EVERYTHING!

    But I am fallible and know I must guard my heart at all times by remaining close to my Beloved and focussing on Him and Him only. I cannot do anything except through Him.

  3. Dear Rasa, I have also experienced these attacks from the enemy. I often looked forward to the moments that I would see my FH because then I could talk to him. I tried to do something else, but that often did not work because we would get into conversation again. If the conversation went well, I longed for my FH again, if the conversation did not go so well I was disappointed. By going through this process again and again I learned to let go more and more. My Heavenly Man is the only one I need. He loves me unconditionally with an endless love, that is what I need and want. His love, His care, His guidance, His comfort. I want to be in His presence.

  4. Thank you for sharing precious Rasa and admitting. I did it for years and now I have to really guard my thoughts (because for so very long it became a habit in my life, precisely like Hanna explained – my emotions everything depended on how my spouse was with me. I have to admit it was all such a huge obsession that went on for years and believe me it left me so broken). I agree with Yvonne and Adina, the Abundant Life lessons helped me a lot and to meditate of our Darling Lord’s promises because I see then I am not keeping my thoughts void.

    I am suddenly reminded of a part that I read last week – Precious one, remember the chapter โ€œLonging for Whom?โ€ back in my first book Finding Your Abundant Life when it gave proof that to run after the Lord would mean that happiness would run after you? It is truer now than ever, dear bride. What is also true is that once you chase after the Lord, and He lets you catch Himโ€”His love will change it all, everything. For there is none like Him, no, not in all this big world.

  5. I’m already seeing Him in such a beautiful way. When my EH showed up yesterday, I was starting to talk to him about things going on in my world, kids, etc but Sweet Holy Spirit reminded me, to cool my jets and be in His peace. I don’t need to share so many details. they’re precious and they’re HIS. it’s like a special secret Him and I share. altogether lovely He is.

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