If Only

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. P411

I got sick about a week ago and most of the time when I get sick, I just feel a little ill then I get well again. This time the cold did not get better, it got much worse and this weekend I was in bed most of the time and this morning I cannot even speak without effort. As I was sitting in my bed, talking to my Lovely Lord, saying, "if only I can get better because I have so much that needs to be done", I started reading the Streams in the Desert for this morning.

The part that touched my heart was this:

"I remember saying one summer, β€œWhat I really need is a trip to the ocean.” So I went to the beach, but the ocean seemed to say, β€œIt is not in me!” The ocean did not do for me what I thought it would. Then I said, β€œPerhaps the mountains will provide the rest I need.” I went to the mountains, and when I awoke the first morning, I gazed at the magnificent mountain I had so longed to see. But the sight did not satisfy, and the mountain said, β€œIt is not in me!”

What I really needed was the deep ocean of God’s love, and the high mountains of His truth within me. His wisdom had depths and heights that neither the ocean nor the mountains could contain and that could not be compared with jewels, gold, or precious stones. He is wisdom and He is our deepest need.Β Our inner restlessness can only be pacified by the revelation of His eternal friendship and love for us.Β Margaret Bottome"

My Lovely Lord and Friend reminded me gently that even in this illness, there is a purpose and instead of asking for my health back, I needed to ask Him, what He wanted to show me in my illness.

I have been complaining about being sick and getting sicker with each complaint instead of just embracing and trusting Him.

I don't need to be healthy, all I need is His deep ocean of love, what a beautiful picture that paints. πŸ’–

14 thoughts on “If Only”

  1. Wow thank you for sharing precious Yvonne. There is no coincidence that I read your post right now at this very moment. I keep on think I just want to move, but it is not in another house, another place, I just have to be content for the moment where I am and to nothing out of haste, because I just have to trust my Darling Lord.

    1. For sure Janine. Trusting in Him is all we can do and just be content with where we are now because we know that it is part of His perfect plan!

  2. The quote about the ocean and the mountains is a beautiful reminder that our deepest needs can only be met by Him. I hope you’re resting with your Beloved and feel better soon!

    1. So true Hope, it makes me think of that Psalm: Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

  3. Querida Yvonne, en ocasiones, Nuestro Amado, nos detiene, para que descansemos, y sintamos mas de Su Amor, Seguramente tu Amado, esta cuidandote, y este tiempo de que estes quieta es para que descanses en Sus brazos, Y El pronto te hara sentir sana.

    Dear Yvonne, sometimes, Our Beloved stops us, so that we can rest, and feel more of His Love. Surely your Beloved is watching over you, and this time of being still is for you to rest in His arms, and He will soon make you feel healthy.

    1. Thank you lovely Liza, sometimes just resting in Him is what we need. Thank you so much for your kind words.

  4. Oh Darling, that beautiful this post, i want to chance many things, i have wanted to move, i have wanted to travel, and to do, i’m not many things, and nothing canΒ΄t to full this, that a i have wanted on my heart, i just need put my eyes on my Beloved, walk with him, and follow his steps.

    1. It is Viera, yes, we just need to put our eyes on our Beloved Lovely Lord and keeping walking with Him.

  5. Dear Yvonne thank you for sharing that part of Streams in the Desert, sometimes I also think going somewhere or something will make me feel better, or will fulfil me, or give me rest, but it can’t. Then I have to remind myself that true rest and peace comes from Him, my Beloved Lord, no matter where I am.

    1. Right, Adina? I remember before I met Him, I tried filling my life with so many things thinking it would make me happy. I believe there was a famous actor who said something like: I wish everyone will get everything they have always dreamed of so they can know that this will not make them happy. It made me think how true that is, we can have all the world, but if we don’t have Him, it means nothing.

  6. Dear Yvonne, thank you for sharing, I needed to read about this so much this morning.πŸ₯°
    We are so happy that He brought us here, with cords of love, and is showing us and filling us with His immense Love, and strengthening us day by day!πŸ’•

    1. Oh for sure Marta, always nice to hear when we are able to encourage another bride through our testimony.πŸ’–

  7. Hi Yvonne l remember that devotion and yes it rings so true, we wish for a holiday, we wish we could go away somewhere where we have no troubles, no trials. But truly what we need is Him. We look for things that cant really satisfy us and yet His word says that when we delight ourselves in Him HE will give us the desires of our hearts β™₯️

    1. So true Atarah. The devotionals are really such an encouragement every day.πŸ’ž

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