🎢Love Song for the Weekend – In Love Again

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you." J313

I want to share a very special Love Song with you for this weekend. Listen to it, sing it to Him, and join the discussion in the comment section on what THIS song meant to you and what particularly spoke to your heart.

MORE Love Songs

The Love Songs we publish here are intended for a Lover, not a song sung in church. We are turning from religion to relationship.

If you have a Love Song, please share it in "Post Your Praise" so we can delight and Selah in it one of the Fridays to come." This Friday is just about this song.

While listening to this song, I really loved to sing it to Him, but I was not sure if I should post it on the blog, so I asked some friends before I posted it. This is our conversation:

Yvonne: Can I ask your opinion? I sing this to my Husband, can I post it on the blog? I am not sure if this is too out there. 😳

Paula: Good morning ! It’s too much love ❀️ I really love it. And I have teary eyes as it is such a perfect song to start my day singing to Him ❣️Thank you, Yvonne - yes, please post itπŸ™πŸΌ

Erin: I remember this one but like 99.9% it didn’t connect to any prior person because I was in fact His even though I was too young to understand it.

The lyrics β€œBaby” always is a difficult term BUT He kept me listening and my face is completely wet with tears 😭 after weeping as I sang to my Precious.

It’s just what my heart needed to express to my Precious what’s been building in my heart but I wasn’t able to express to Him.

I’ll been singing 🎡 this all day and all week long. Thank you Yvonne πŸ€—πŸ€—

🎢πŸŽ₯I Just Fall In Love Again

Dreaming, I must be dreaming
Or am I really lying here with you?
Baby, you take me in your arms
And though I'm wide awake, I know my dream is coming true

And, oh, I just fall in love again
Just one touch and then it happens every time
There I go, I just fall in love again and when I do
I can't help myself, I fall in love with you

Magic, it must be magic
The way I hold you and the night just seems to fly
Easy for you to take me to a star
Heaven is that moment when I look into your eyes

And, oh, I just fall in love again
Just one touch and then it happens every time
There I go, I just fall in love again and when I do
I can't help myself, I fall in love with you
I can't help myself, I fall in love with you

Please share in the comment section what part of the song spoke to you.

4 thoughts on “🎢Love Song for the Weekend – In Love Again”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Yvonne, this part really stood out for me: And though I’m wide awake, I know my dream is coming true, because being my Darling Lord is really a dream coming true, more that I ever imagined.

    1. This is such a beautiful song right? I love it and listen to it all the time. I guess I like the old love songs.

  2. Hermosa Yvonne, gracias por esta bella cancion, que me lleva a imaginar a mi Amado SeΓ±or, entre las nubes, esperando ese abrazo Suyo, me hizo llorar, saber que es a El a quien necesito, y que deseo ese amor cada dia mas .
    Beautiful Yvonne, thank you for this beautiful song, which leads me to imagine my Beloved Lord, among the clouds, waiting for that hug from Him, it made me cry, to know that it is Him that I need, and that I desire that love more every day.

    1. Oh Liza, me too right. As soon as we change our mindset when we listen to love songs with our Beloved in mind, it just opens up for us like never before. There can never be a deeper love than the one we share with Him.

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