wLL51:Who do you look like?

'Those who look to Him are enlightened; Their faces will never be ashamed.' Psalm 34:5

How beautiful, my Beloveds, to know that not only are we being transformed in our souls by each Truth, by the Love of the Lord, but that it is noticeable in our faces. When reading this lesson, I remembered the photograph that I uploaded when I arrived at RMI 2 years ago, and truly, when I see it now, I notice that sadness, that shadow that darkened the light of my face. And now, when I see myself, I know that even if the situation I arrived in is the same or worse, He has given me a glow, which is a reflection of His Light. And I have always noticed this in other Brides, they have a glow and a smile that makes them beautiful, and I am sure that it is because they have contemplated the love and peace of Our Beloved Lord. I love knowing that He transforms me. Maybe I don't notice it, but a few months ago, when I was returning from work, someone told me that my face looked different and I just smiled, and I kept thinking that it was my Beloved Lord who did it.

Who do you look like? The title of this lesson says: "I want to be like my Lord, and I know that each one of us wants it too, and we can be happy because we are changing inside and out, and it is all because of the Light that we have found, that Light that only comes from the Lord."

wLL 51 “Who You Resemble” – LoveAtLast.org

Qué hermoso, mis Amados, saber que no solamente estamos siendo transformados en nuestras almas por cada Verdad, por el Amor del Señor, sino que eso se nota en nuestros rostros. Al leer esta lección, recordé la fotografía que subí cuando llegué a RMI hace 2 años, y verdaderamente, cuando la veo ahora, noto esa tristeza, esa sombra que oscurecía la luz de mi rostro. Y ahora, cuando me veo, sé que aunque la situación en la que llegué sea igual o peor, Él me ha dado un brillo, que es un reflejo de Su Luz. Y eso siempre lo he notado en otras Novias, tienen un brillo y una sonrisa que las hace hermosas, y estoy segura que es porque han contemplado el amor y la paz de Nuestro Esposo. Me encanta saber que Él me transforma. Tal vez no lo note, pero hace unos meses, cuando regresaba del trabajo, alguien me dijo que mi rostro se veía diferente y yo solo sonreí, y me quedé pensando que era mi Amado quien lo hacía. ¿
Tú a quién te pareces? El título de esta lección dice: Quiero parecerme a mi Señor, y sé que cada uno de nosotros también lo desea, y podemos ser felices porque estamos cambiando por dentro y por fuera, y todo se debe a la Luz que hemos encontrado, esa Luz que solo viene del Señor. 

2 thoughts on “wLL51:Who do you look like?”

  1. It’s amazing how seeking His truth and love can transform us not only on the inside but also on the outside. That radiant glow you’ve noticed in yourself and other women who love the Lord must be a reflection of His light.

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Liza, isn’t it wonderful how our Darling Lord gives us this glow. You can’t help to smile when you think of our Darling Lord.

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