My Amazing Life Changer

β€œYou are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men.” 2C32

My sweet ladies, today I just want to praise my amazing Best Friend for just being who He is and fixing my mistakes!!
Last week and this week, my whole family has been facing a stomach bug, because we are 6 people living together you can imagine the disaster!
I am the only one, also a praise, that has been protected from the bug, which has been a huge blessing because I can concentrate in being the doctor and nurse my family needs!

So in the midst of this season, I was making some payments on my phone. Here in Costa Rica, we have the blessing that we can send money from our bank accounts to other people or companies by their phone numbers, but if you make a mistake as typing the wrong number, the fault falls on you and nobody is hold responsible.

So back to my praise: After a hard night of taking care of all my daughters, almost no sleep, trying to keep up with my chores, and paying, I typed the wrong number while I was trying to make a payment!
My dear friends, fear took hold of me, because it was a big amount!
So when I felt the fear creeping in, I quickly prayed and asked my beloved for help, grace, and guidance! He led me to call the person and explain the situation!

The nicest person in the world answered my called and assured me to be calm he was going to give back my money right away!! Oh my sweet brides, that is only due to Him protecting me!

In the next 5 minutes my money got returned, payments were made and I understand that My Beloved is always in control!

Nothing escapes His loving hands and HE is truly our source of wisdom, grace, and protection!!

In the end, I was blessed by His loving hands!!

He reminded me about this Living Lesson:

And feel joyful because He will always turn my mistakes into blessings, because I put HIM FIRST!!

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