🎢Love Song for the Weekend – You Made Me Live Again

"Shout with joy to the LORD, all the earth!" P1001

I want to share a very special Love Song with you for this weekend. Listen to it, sing it to Him, and join the discussion in the comment section on what THIS song meant to you and what particularly spoke to your heart.

MORE Love Songs

The Love Songs we publish here are intended for a Lover, not a song sung in church. We are turning from religion to relationship.

If you have a Love Song, please share it in "Post Your Praise" so we can delight and Selah in it one of the Fridays to come." This Friday is just about this song.

This Love Song was one that Janine shared on her blog Uiteindelikhoop.com. Here is what she said

Janine: I want to share a very special Love Song with you for the weekend. When I heard the words I just got tears in my eyes and immediately knew it was a song I wanted to sing to our Dear Lord, because that's exactly what He did, He gave me life again and I have found my home in Him.

So precious woman I want to encourage you to sit in a quiet place and listen carefully to the words. Sing it to our Beloved Lord, who is waiting for us with open arms.

🎢πŸŽ₯You Made Me Live Again

I was down and out and feelin' so low
You took my hand and eased my mind
I was astray, you showed me the way
And now I finally found my home in you

I still recall the times I've been through
Confused, didn't know what to do
I almost gave up but you gave me hope
You've made me strong as the days went on
You made me live again

I was lost in the dark
With my lonely, broken heart
Then you came along
You took me home
And made me your own

You were always there to lend a helping hand
When good friends were hard to find
When things went wrong, you made them right
You've made my days so bright
You made me live again

Please share in the comment section what part of the song spoke to you.

4 thoughts on “🎢Love Song for the Weekend – You Made Me Live Again”

  1. It’s a beautiful song, it’s like a summary of what I’ve lived. So many years living lost and He came to show me the way, He brought me home, to this Ministry, which is now my home. He took me by the hand, and rescued me, because many times I was on the verge of giving up, and He gave me hope, a reason for a new life.
    Thank you Janine, for these beautiful lyrics

  2. This is so beautiful thank you for sharing this special song. This part touched my heart:

    I was lost in the dark
    With my lonely, broken heart
    Then you came along
    You took me home
    And made me your own

    My Beloved came along when I had a lonely broken heart, and He brought me to a place where I feel like I came home.

  3. I love this song, I was really down and out, He is the only One that can up to this day ease my mind.
    My mind has been all over the place the last week and coming here to the blog now, I just had to listen to my favorite song to my Darling Lord. He made me His own, I love Him!!!

  4. Thanks for sharing ladies ❀️❀️ What a special song to sing to Him! I love these verses:
    “You took me home
    And made me your own”
    I feel that my marriage crisis alloweded me to be back Home, His arms – the place that I’d been for all my youthness, but then I decided to run away, looking for happiness and love… which ended in sorrow and pain…But then He took me back home and made me His bride πŸ‘°

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