Turning The Other Cheek

"But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also." M5:39

I have to admit it is not always easy for me to turn the other cheek, because I would much rather protect myself from the hurt, but it is a fact that our precious Beloved Lord wants to protect us. I made a mistake years ago, by getting a protection order against my spouse and yes it caused a lot of anger and I know it would have turned out completely different if I had just left it to my Darling Lord.

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. G50:20

Please read these parts quoted out of Living Lesson 78 "Slapped Again":

"People can try to do things to us, but ultimately, the blessing and protection all come from Him. And I wholeheartedly believe that. My proof is that He says, β€œMy God shall supply all your needs according to His riches,” riches, meaning look at all He has. He owns everything!

So, rather than putting up walls or trying to protect yourself, instead of pulling back, maybe move in closer, maybe come in for a hug."

The walls I put up to protect myself only caused more harm and my Darling had to take them down one by one. So precious woman you don't need to put up a wall to protect yourself, move closer to our Beloved Lord and allow Him to protect you. And can I tell you, He is the Best Ever Protection, we will ever need!

Please read this concluding part from the lesson that also stood out for me:

Therefore, those things that are harder to do are going to bring about the greatest blessings, the greatest fruits, and the best testimonies to really help those who are going through something similar and many times much worse, but you will be able to make way for them to follow your path of traveling life with their Husband.

When I look back on my life, I do see that those things that were hard to do, did bring about the greatest blessings. So precious woman remember if there is something in your way that seems too difficult for you to do, remember that it holds the greatest blessing...

8 thoughts on “Turning The Other Cheek”

  1. I agree with the principle of turning the other cheek and I know it can be challenging. It is natural to want to protect ourselves from harm, but yes, it is important to trust in the His protection and guidance and oh, how He blesses us when we do.

    1. For me it is also sometimes very challenging to do it and yes precious Hope it is so worth it to trust our Darling Lord for His protection.

  2. Asi es Janine, a veces no es facil,,poner la otra mejilla, mas cuando los que nos rodean,estan en contra. Pero debemos obedecer a Nuestro SeΓ±or asi se opongan todos, y caminar esa milla extra.
    Y El siempre nos protege, y Sus bendiciones son tan hermosas e inesperadas.
    Gracias por compartir.

    That’s how it is Janine, sometimes it is not easy, to turn the other cheek, especially when those around us, are against it. But we must obey Our Lord even if everyone opposes it,and go that extra mile.
    And He always protects us, and His blessings are so beautiful and unexpected.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes precious Liza, our Darling Lord’s blessings are truly beautiful and unexpected.

  3. Love this Janine!! So true ❀️ these things hurt our pride and that is why we put walls, but with Our Beloved our pride is gone and we get to be so loved and protected that we will not fight back. It a journey of a lifetime but is so worth it

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Isabella, yes isn’t it wonderful how our Darling Lord just breaks all that pride down with His everlasting love. It is for sure journey that is so worth it.

  4. Gracias por compartir tu testimonio, justo anoche en una ReuniΓ³n que hacemos cada lunes mis compaΓ±eras de oraciΓ³n y animo hablΓ‘bamos de esto, poner la otra mejilla, dar la milla extra, y que tan difΓ­cil es realmente hacer esto.
    Pero todas concluimos que no somos nosotras es nuestro amado que nos da la fuera y que tambiΓ©n es solo a el que debemos agradar, que todo lo hacemos por el y para el.
    Thank you for sharing your testimony, just last night at a Meeting that we hold every Monday, my companions in prayer and encouragement were talking about this, turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, and how difficult it really is to do this.
    But we all conclude that it is not us, it is our loved one who gives us strength and that he is also the only one we must please, that we do everything for him and for him.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Nelly. I know I can not get it right on my own, I agree with you Nelly, He is the One who gives us the strength to do it, because really apart from Him I can do nothing.

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