In His Arms

"And He has said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.' Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me." 2 Corinthians 12:9

Beautiful brides, I want to share with you that since we started sharing the #LOVE SONGS, I have felt so loved with each one. Most of the songs are songs that I like and are on my list of love songs, but when that Love is from the Highest, it also emanates peace when singing it and knowing that each word is true and is for us.

A few days ago my son had a birthday and his Heavenly Father answered his request for his dad to speak to him. Although he was happy, I was not so much. Instead of being happy at the moment and thanking God for what He was doing, I started to generate thoughts that were not very happy, to allow the enemy to enter there, that; then he disappears again and breaks my son's heart again. That now he has another child, he will have even less time for mine and what will it be like when my son finds out...โ€ and the questions continue. And I can feel a feeling that is not from Him, and I ask Him to take away from me every feeling that does not come from Him and to heal my heart again from whatever is irritating it because only He can heal and calm my heart.

He spoke to me through a devotional reminding me that He is the source of my happiness, my love and my peace, and that this situation is just a test of my patience and my faith. I immediately thanked Him for what He was doing and what I was not seeing. But I am sure that in His plan everything works for good!! And although I do not know what His plan is for me, I trust that it is definitely better than mine. Before I always had goals each year and plans, now I let myself be guided by Him and I know His will and not mine.

Meanwhile, in every storm, temptation and trial I try to sing my love songs from HIM to me and enjoy that peace that can only be felt in His arms.

Beautiful ones, I want to encourage you to always seek HIM, but especially if you feel hurt, broken or in need of love, He is near and will heal you.

They looked to Him and were radiant, And their faces will never be ashamed." Psalms 34:5

4 thoughts on “In His Arms”

  1. Dear Jewel, I also feel so loved listening to the Love Songs and each one is a reminder of His love and faithfulness. He also taught me to give every negative feeling or memory to Him because only He is able to heal us and take that feelings away. This is one of my favorite lessons: (Tell it to Your Husband).

    I also sometimes look at my situation rather than looking at Him in that moment, but then He gently reminds me of a promise and that He is in control, that He is working and have amazing plans for me.

    1. Yes at times I look at my situation only with my flesh eyes but He also always reminds me in some way that, that’s just a mirage and that He has Great things in store for me in His timing. Thank you dear for reminding me He is in Control!

  2. Hi Jewel, I understand your emotions during your sonโ€™s birthday, but I am encouraged by your willingness to give your worries and trust in His plan. Keep singing your love songs, and may His love fill your heart and shine through you. ๐Ÿ’•

    1. thanks for the encouragement ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’–

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