He moved in unexpected ways

โ€œBut those whoย wait on theย Lord Shall renewย their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.โ€ Isaiah 40:31

Hello beautiful brides!

I wanted to share a wonderful testimony with you all. The past few months, I have come to realize that no plans shall work out the way I plan. ๐Ÿคฃ

Which has caused me to try to be more intentional with my wording, and not allow self pity to creep in, because it sure does try doesn't it?!

Since I've moved back into my old home I shared with my spouse, he began paying all the bills! But that also means that the spending money he was giving me is going straight to my bills, so essentially right now, the Lord has me not getting any extra.

At first, I was feeling a bit sorry for myself, but then I remembered!! The truth! If I'm not getting any money, and I'm tithing, it's because He is doing something, setting me up for a blessing!

Last week, I was out of gas and money. I had scheduled the children for two local field trips and the dates were approaching and still no money in sight.

So I kept thanking Him, for whatever is was He had planned and whenever I found myself stressed about it, I'd remember to step back into His peace and rest, His arms.

Well, one of the field trips got cancelled! And then last night, my spouse's truck broke down and he asked to borrow my car, so I ended up not needing money for either "school dates" after all!

And then! A friend called and offered me a cleaning job for pay!

Though she still hasn't paid me, I know because of my lessons, when things are taking unusually long, I can be assured that He is wanting to see, what will I do in the waiting?

So, I keep thanking Him for the waiting!

I am able to share with my little ones, that We are waiting for their Heavenly Father to bring us some money.

I want to be reminded by Testimonies like this, that we cannot see anything really. We are limited to what we can touch and feel and how truly shallow that all is from the Heavenly perspective. Only He knows what is really going on!!! I always try to imagine Him carrying me up to His chambers telling me not to worry Hes taking care of everything!

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