When things look one way

โ€œWhen you lie down you will not be afraid and your sleep will be sweet.โ€ Proverbs 3:22.

Hello my beautiful brides.

Today I was meditating on and just sitting with my Beloved Lord, reading how He uses all trials for our good, to bless us and not look at our circumstances. Then a few minutes after that, my phone goes off. And a very interesting situation came up. And I ended up seeing things I didn't want to see, and it caused my heart to shake a bit at first. But I turned on my favorite crisis song and sang out my praises to My Love, reminding myself that He was using it for good. That He had me perfectly safe in his hands, nothing could touch me. My peace returned so quickly, and I knew that He was here with me.

I am so so blessed to have a precious sister who reminded me that what I see isn't real. That reality is what HE says it is, and what I SEE isn't HIS reality.

I'm so grateful I have someone to speak life like that.
I remember a time when my peace and joy would have been gone for day, weeks after trials hit. I don't know if it ever truly came back. I was always so busy looking at how the other person hurt me, disappointed me. Self pity and self righteousness being strong in my heart. Now I know that my Love is working and I can Pray and fight that way in the spirit. But I don't have to ever leave His rest. Wow.

What freedom. What a life I HAVE today. Now. A love that chases me. A love that never leaves.

10 thoughts on “When things look one way”

  1. Thank you, my dear Rasa, this week I also experienced a really funny situation, especially when the enemy uses the people you love to lead you into doing the wrong thing, and I smiled and said that I have a life to look after with my heavenly husband… And I ended the conversation. My heart had this twinge but it went away twice as fast. I had peace within me.

    The part of the crisis corner that I remember most is not to move… And I know we want to try but at the end of this journey we realise that we are turning to him alone. But then there was my partner, who had a restaurant and poured out all her crises on me. She didn’t want to put up with the situation any more, so I had to stop talking to her. The last one I made her understand that she was losing sight of our beloved by wanting to settle things by herself and I redirected her to our beloved.
    I asked our beloved to spare me this kind of conversation because I don’t want to feel overwhelmed.

    1. oh that’s wonderful how quickly he took that twinge away and that it was only a twinge! he is so faithful to show us the way. it’s hard to have to even pray to be spares from these relationships when we want to help, but that is the best way to help them, by pointing them to him and not diving into particular topics for sure. โค๏ธ

  2. This is good. I so needed this yesterday lol but today caused me to reflect about something. Anxiety didnt hold me too long and I was still able to operate and come and talk to my beloved.

  3. ‘by not looking at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.’
    2 Corinthians 4:18
    Dear Raza, it is true, the enemy puts things in front of us that we see, and they cause us pain, but we must continue to put our eyes on the Lord, and as Erin says in Being Encouraged, Our Beloved sees things from above. And what many of us see is a mirage, which is not real. We can only continue to embrace our Husband, to find peace again.
    Thank you for sharing, because that happens to all of us.

  4. Really beautiful that we have someone to hold on to when we feel faint or week anad that the time we spend with Him always brings us peace, always brings me peace so much I wish I could share it at times with friends when they need.

  5. Thank you for sharing precious Rasa, isn’t it wonderful that our peace doesn’t have to depend on our circumstances but only on our Darling Lord. And so many times I have allowed my peace depend on my circumstances.

  6. Dear Rasa, thank you for sharing. Previously I always looked at the situation through human eyes, and it filled me with fear, anxiety or pain for days. But He taught me so much on this journey and through the lessons. Here are some lessons that helped me so much:

    https://hopeatlast.com/c3/fda-chapter-9-spying-and-following/ (although we sometimes see things without spying)

  7. Wow and wow when we get these revelations HE showed you yes its FREES us. Amen and amen so happy for all these wonderful truths HE showed you and so glad you hung in their holding on to Him as HE revealed them to you ๐Ÿค—

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