I was blown away!

"For your Maker is your husband, The LORD of hosts is His name; And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth. For the LORD has called you Like a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, Like a youthful wife when you were refused,” Says your God. β€œFor a mere moment I have forsaken you, But with great mercies I will gather you." Isaiah 54:5-7

Please read this Praise Report from Renewed:

Dear Sisters, let me start by saying our Lord is good! Yes, He is!

I was sent some links and one of them was "Securing Your Success - Day 3". Believe me when I say I have read this chapter many times but it never clicked until today. I asked the Lord for a clear understanding of what it meant to move on and find someone NEW which is Him. I got the sweetest and simplest response I have ever heard. He told me "It simply means to enter into a relationship with me the way you fall in love and build a relationship with a earthly man, but with ME, I want to be your all. I want you to communicate with me every time, tell me all your problems, your needs, your struggles and everything you'd tell an earthly boyfriend/man. It is that simple!".

I was blown away! I never knew the ways of the Lord are not as complicated as we confuse it to be. I understand now and I am giving Him my all because He loves me and wants to date and court me. He told me clearly and has given me that assurance.

Sisters, our Lord really does care and loves us. I know it now. He is always coming for us, is there anything more wonderful than that? To have the BEST come specifically for you. Choose you consistently and loves you deeply? Oh, my soul is refreshed never to look too much at my present circumstances anymore. I can't wait to see how our relationship pave out. I am loved, I am loved by the Lord!

8 thoughts on “I was blown away!”

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Renewed. I found the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, very early on in my journey, but in the few weeks prior, I did so much damage, that my Lovely Lord knew that I needed to know these principles before I caused even more damage. If I did not find Him in all of this, there was no way that I would have come through the divorce intact. He needed me broken, so I could rely only on Him and Him alone.

  2. Wooww Renewed je suis emervielle par les phrases que notre cheri nous a donne comme ma precieuse Yvonne j’ai fait beaucoup de dΓ©gats avant de tomber sur le livre Comment DIEU peut et restaurera votre mariage./Wooww Renewed I am amazed by the sentences that our darling gave us like my precious Yvonne I did a lot of damage before coming across the book How GOD can and will restore your marriage.
    But, I understood when our dear one speaks of restoration that it encompasses our whole being by giving ourselves totally to him I was still reading the lesson on his wife and I wish that many wives continue to seek him as the spouse every day in the great as in the small details of our life.
    In a nutshell, I had to go to the city, so I simply told him I needed a cab and I didn’t want to take the bus with my son. And the cab stopped right at my level … I’m just amazed because I never thought he’d get so involved …

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Renewed, isn’t it wonderful how our Darling Lord loves us. There is really not anything more wonderful than that. I remember just always wanting a restored marriage and after receiving it, I still felt so empty, because only our Darling Lord could really fulfill me.

  4. Hi Renewed, it’s great to hear how the Lord has shown you His love. He is the only one who can give us real joy, peace, and happiness. I’m glad you are getting closer to Him; you will feel His love and care even more.

  5. What a great blessing of revelation you have received Renewed!!! It is beautiful that feeling and conviction that the Holy Spirit gives us when finally the light of understanding about His word is turned on not only in the brain but in the heart!
    Yes, it is wonderful to know that HE, God Himself, loves us so much and desires a relationship with us, He does not demand ANYTHING from us, He only wants to love us and for us to get closer to HIM, it is so precious and simple. I am so glad that you are feeling His love and care for you πŸ™ŒπŸ’—

  6. Psalm 45:11KJV
    So shall the King greatly desire thy beauty, for He is thy Lord; worship thou Him.

    My dear, I loved the simple way he showed it to you, I realize that when he speaks to the heart, the understanding and comprehension is so accurate because it is the time in which he had already prepared and set aside for it to happen.

    Fall in love every day with your beloved husband, how happy that he told you how to move forward and how to cultivate your beautiful relationship!
    you are loved, very loved always

  7. What a beautiful message… This relationship with Our Beloved is something I have never heard before, feeling that we are so loved by Him, that He only wants us to give Him our heart and we can always have it at every moment, knowing that No one loves us with Our Heavenly Husband.

  8. Dear Renewed, It is so wonderful to read that He spoke to your heart. It is true what you say, a relationship with Him as Heavenly Man is the best thing that can happen to us. His love is the most beautiful unconditional love that we as His brides can receive.

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