Restaure tus relaciones Cap.1


'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.'

Romans 8:28

Dear Brides, I just come to tell you not to lose heart, to keep listening to the voice of your Beloved Heavenly Husband every day, at every moment, to bring everything to Him, because I know that He wants to listen to you, to heal you, so that you see more restoration in your life, in those relationships that have been lost. And if He has kept you away from other people, whom you long for, it is because He is also protecting you, because we are not yet ready to have them back in our lives.
Our Beloved comes to heal us, and we will only find a New Life, in His Word, in His principles, surrounded by every lesson so that our mind is renewed.
Dear, I encourage you not to let yourself be defeated, to seek Him with all your heart, and to feed yourself with all the resources of RMI.
Nothing and no one will give us peace and wisdom more than Our Beloved Husband.

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