Letting God Lead

โ™• Todayโ€™s Promise: Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" Ps107:8

My EH was determined to come and tell our daughter that he no longer wanted to be in this marriage. He already made this known to me but decided that he wants to tell our daughter in person. My daughter does not know that her father wants to divorce me. All she knows is that he's decided to come off the straight and narrow path. In response, my daughter and I began praying, asking God to only allow my husband to come when his relationship with his Heavenly Father is restored. He purchased his ticket but didnโ€™t tell our daughter until a week before his flight. I already knew he was coming since we still shared a joint account, I was nervous about his arrival because I wanted only God's character to shine through me. His flight was scheduled for Saturday evening, and he was to arrive Sunday morning.

On Friday evening, my heart was heavy, so I prayed Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane from Matthew, Mark and Luke, pouring out my heart to God in tears. I told God that if He allowed my husband to come, it would only mean He had another plan.

Then, on Saturday evening, while I was on a call, my daughter came into the room and said, "I donโ€™t know if this is good thing or a bad thing or how you will feel about this, but Daddy is not coming. He was on his way to the airport and couldnโ€™t find his passport, so he turned back to get it, but still couldnโ€™t find it." I immediately dropped to my knees and thanked the Lord for answering my prayer and showing me how real He is.

My journey is far from over but God is showing me that if I keep following His principles He will continue to work for me.

Thank You, Lord.

5 thoughts on “Letting God Lead”

  1. Prรฉcieuse Mireille, c’est tellement merveilleux de voir comment Il exauce nos priรจres lorsque nous marchons dans Sa volontรฉ. Tout comme toi, mon voyage n’est pas encore terminรฉ, mais chaque jour m’apporte un peu plus de lumiรจre et de paix.

    Precious Mireille, it is so wonderful to see how He answers our prayers when we walk in His will. Just like you, my journey is not over yet, but each day brings me a little more light and peace.

  2. Thank you for your testimony, dear Mireille.๐ŸŒผ Reading your report, I remembered how He also prepared me for so many situations that I had to go through! And I remembered this promise that I engraved in my heart and that I used many times a day: โ€œYou will not be afraid of bad news, my heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord! S1127
    And that is what you report, He is in control of everything, and it is up to us to thank Him and keep our eyes fixed on Him!!

  3. Mireille this is so wonderful to see how He always shows up for us and how He gives answers to our requests, I am amazed!!! Thank you for sharing, your testimony is a blessing to me today, itยดs a faith builder testimony a chapter in your journey that is not only yours but for your daughter, she is been a firsthand withness of her HF works in both her and your life.

  4. A man’s mind plans his way [as he journeys through life], But the Lord directs his steps and establishes them. [Ps 37:23; Prov 20:24; Jer 10:23]โ€
    Proverbs 16:9 AMP

    โ€œMany plans are in a man’s mind, But it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand (be carried out). [Job 23:13; Ps 33:10, 11; Isa 14:26, 27; 46:10; Acts 5:39; Heb 6:17]โ€
    Proverbs 19:21 AMP

    Dear Mireille, when I read your testimony, I remembered when I went through the same situation, and how my
    Beloved Lord took me to that same
    Passage, the prayer of Gethsemane, for me it was a preparation and a surrender to my will for His, in my heart I knew it was going to happen, but what I prayed was for Him to take care of the hearts of my little ones with the news and as He did with you, He did it with me too. He was very good in answering my prayer.
    Your testimony made me remember His faithfulness and also how only those things happen that He already chose and predestined in advance for each one of us, this reminds me how important it is to pray as the spirit guides you and not according to your desires or will.
    I thank you so much for sharing this today, because it is one more of those blessings that today I can name one by one that He did in my life and looking back it was His hand covering our children. Everything, absolutely everything, is part of His plan and nothing will escape Him. We can trust that when we pray according to His will, we are going in the right direction, and His purposes are fulfilled.
    Thank you, darling, for sharing this with us!
    All praise and glory to the one who takes care of us and His children.

  5. I am so grateful to hear about how the Lord has worked in your life and answered your prayers! He is faithful.

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