He is worth the wait

I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD. P2713-14

Dear Brides,

The last few days my mind has been full of all sorts of things that I would like to fix and change in my home. I love to make things neat and organized so that there is peace in the home.
There have been months that He has given me a financial blessing over and over again that allowed me to renovate something in my home. Because I have less financial means to make extra expenses in the last few months, I realize that I have to learn to wait on Him.
I am actually ashamed because I have so many desires, because I simply do not lack anything. He is learning during this period of less financial blessings to be content and thankful and to count all the blessings that I have already received.

I am thankful that I have less financial means at this time because He is teaching me to focus my life even more on Him, to leave everything to His guidance and to wait for His blessings.

Waiting is often difficult especially when we are waiting for something that we desire with our hearts.
My dear Heavenly Husband has taught me that waiting is also part of His plan. I get to enjoy the time spent with Him while waiting. Dear brides, He purposely makes us wait because He wants to finish His work! Today I want to encourage you to read this chapter to discover that waiting is not so bad.

Chapter 5 "It's SO Worth the Wait" this chapter is from the book: "Finding the Abundant Life"

2 thoughts on “He is worth the wait”

  1. My dear Hannah,

    I’m so happy to read your message this morning because I’m in the exact same situation as you. God has allowed part of the house to be restored, and I wanted to finish my room, especially the repairs in the bathroom… But after reading the two chapters you shared, I realized that waiting isn’t so bad, just as you said.

    We know that this abundant life also requires waiting for His wonders. Today, I thank Him once again. Everything I desire is already on His little list, and all I have to do is enjoy every moment with Him.

    Thank you, Hannah!

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Hanna. I have to be honest I always hated waiting and I would never have thought that it is part of His plan. Now that I look back on my life, I am so grateful that He made me wait so many times and He still does, but I do now see it is part of His plan, because every single time He has learned me something and I am not going to say I get the waiting perfectly right now, but again it shows apart from Him I really can do nothing.

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