I Didn’t Listen…

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."Β P3:5

Just last week I shared a comment that our precious Beloved Lord was trust training me and after reading the beautiful post of Anastasia: "Hesitating...Is it you or me?" I had to come and confess my mistake "...I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses..." 2C12:9Β 

My special son was chosen for the South African Physical Disabled Athletics Team to go and compete against the whole country. Every year we can get sponsors but this year nobody responded when we asked for sponsors and I heard my precious Beloved say that there is no need for sponsors.

I want to be the bride that only does something when He says I must do it, but I have to confess I made the mistake of not listening to hear if it was Him telling me to pay it, because Friday I went ahead of Him and paid the money (out of money that had to go for something else). Then Saturday morning my sister in-law phoned and said her friend had payed the whole amount for my son, which I know is of course from our Beloved. Still I want to focus on the huge testimony of His provision, isn't it wonderful how our precious Beloved Lord provides, there was really no need to ask for sponsors. He was busy with my testimony because He says: "put Me to the test, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you" (because I faithfully tithe to my storehouse). But I have to confess that I listened to my own voice, saying to pay it and now the money is payed double into the school account and I am not sure if they will pay it back to me, and if I had waited on my precious Beloved Lord and really made sure that it was Him telling me to do it or not do it, this wouldn't have happened.

I know the trust training doesn't stop here because only He can sort it out, although it was my mistake. I am so grateful that I can even go to Him with my mistakes and ask Him to use it for the good.

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." R8:28

**UPDATE: I just had to come and give a update about our precious Beloved Lord's goodness. Today I received and email from my son's school asking me to send my banking details. Our precious Beloved Lord really causes everything to work together and I am so grateful and want to give Him all the glory!!!

1 thought on “I Didn’t Listen…”

  1. Wow, Jannine, what a beautiful testimony! It encourages me so much in this new stage of my journey! Thanks for sharing! Sometimes I tend to doubt that He wants to help me again when I’ve failed. It’s something I think I’m still learning or getting to know about Him. I trust that He will lead me to a situation where I can experience that side of Him.

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