MY LOVE My Beautiful

Psalm 34:5 Those who seek his help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.

This promise makes me see that My beloved fills me with peace and he will do it every day, and although on many occasions the enemy has tried to take away my joy … My beautiful Heavenly Husband always gives me a smile in all circumstances.

Dear Brides! This Chapter 7 “Believing God for Great Things” is a tremendous test of what God is able to do to please and pamper us !! I never tire of reading these beautiful resources and I thank my Beloved for bringing me to RMI!… I read and apply but it is useless to just to read it because our beloved delights in our obedience and faith !!

When I read this chapter I was able to understand that the things I have lived are absolutely amazing and through this testimony of life, I was able to refresh my mind to fully complete my confidence in many of the things that seem very difficult to realize, even impossible! … but the most wonderful thing of all is when you rest in the Lord and he surprises you with something more incredible!

Although it is also true that in order to receive something wonderful, it is most likely that he will initially take you through a very hard test and after that disaster arrives, the beautiful and wonderful Supernatural promise of my Beloved will happen.

I had that experience about 1 year ago when I was diagnosed with avascular arthritis and evidently suffered a lot knowing that I would be very limited to do many things … however when I decided to surrender my sadness to My beautiful and loving Groom, he took care to conceal me through this disease because not only did I enjoy unlimited attention in different places, but many people who love me and value me (both at work and my family) took care of me the best and blessed me with many blessings (that only my beloved knew I desired) because I did not need to ask for anything, simply My Beloved by my side, He used those people to give me those blessings that I fancied (like a special dessert, a special meal, or an accessory or clothes that I needed). It’s been amazing!! WOWWW …

One of the most difficult things for me was to understand why I had to receive such a hard test with my health and the fact of having to deal with that reality every day scared me, because I did not know if I would be healed or not by his immense power .. But with the passage of time I have learned to trust that he has absolute control of my whole situation and despite having passed many more tests with my health, after osteoarthritis, I got a kind of plague that made me have 3 diseases. I was even hospitalized, and that was one of the hardest tests I went through, but when I was there I was fed spiritually so much and with so many words that came from him that strengthened me and in the middle of it I received a miracle.

It shows the wonderful power of my beloved that allowed me to rest in him without worrying about tomorrow, and added to it, He tremendously strengthened my family who instead of denying GOD as many do when it has to do with someone on a bed of sickness, they clung to the hand of the Lord, worshiping him and praising him in the church where my EH โ€œearthly husbandโ€ began to go while I was hospitalized and in quarantine. Oh, what great joy, joy to know that my beloved was guiding my family and strengthened them and when I left the hospital I saw how they prayed together and encouraged me not to worry … How amazing it is to see the power of the great things my beloved does to bless me !!

Each day that passes I continue applying all the teaching of all the resources that I have read from this ministry, and I apply each and every one of the principles in my daily life, both at home, and outside of it, and although I fail as every human beingโ€” His beautiful Holy Spirit immediately reproves me to correct me and keep me walking holding his hand and that my life be a pleasant perfume to Him !!! Because he is my beloved and I am his beloved!

Darling, I am filled with peace when I hear your words and receive them are a treasure for me, I keep writing them to remember when you spoke to me … Thank you, my beloved, for forgiving and transforming me every day, every minute I live for you and I ask You give me a lot of wisdom to live each day according to Your heart and that everything I do is to serve you and bless your name !! Help me make good decisions, do not let my own understanding govern my life, I want to be governed by you! That you take your place in my house, in my mind and my heart and you can make me your beautiful bride … you know that I like to serve you and do everything you tell me … and I thank you for teaching me to listen to you. I love you with my life and I will not stop telling you that you are everything I want and everything I need! … Today, tomorrow and always You are my love !!!

Dear Brides: The Lord knows why he brought you to read about this beautiful book, and I promise you do not know how much you will learn from what our beloved wants to teach you until you begin !! He is beautiful and he wants to bless you with this beautiful Chapter 7 “Believing God for Great Things” which will show you the great things he can do in your life if you really trust him with everything, he will take care of all your burdens …. I encourage you that everything is possible wtih God.

This book is a catapult for a new level of trust and intimacy with Our Beloved Heavenly Groom! It only depends on each one of us. As soon as we really believe in him and how much He really loves us, that’s when life will be abundant! One key is obedience and believing without hesitation in all that he is capable of doing … I love these resources, for me, they are a way to listen to the voice of my beloved who tells me that we are still in His hands !!! I love it so much … =)

~ Ziva in Peru

Have you been inspired by this awesome Testimony of Living the Abundant Life in the very midst of a tremendous trial? Donโ€™t lose out, start with Finding the Abundant Life! And find your Love Bello! ๐Ÿ™‚