So Liberating and Fun!

My Sunday with Him began when I learned it was an act of obedience to the Lord since we are not supposed to be the spiritual leaders in our homes. At first, it felt a bit odd as I thought about it because I was a volunteer in my church and enjoyed most sermons. However, I quickly remembered that it was one of the pastors at my church who told me to file for divorce. The truth is, I want to be obedient and knew it was the right move. I didn't know how it would play out, but now I am totally comfortable! I have learned that it's not just about Sundays, but spending time with Him each moment of every day!!

Since right now, I live alone, it hasn't really impacted anyone else in my family that I don’t go to church. My EH asked if I was attending church, and I told him no, that it didn't feel right being there without him. He said he felt the same way. I now really enjoy my Sundays' with Him because I've realized it's just about spending time with HIM! It doesn't need to be organized. Since I work a lot, it's a relief to not worry about Sunday obligations. This past Sunday, I worked out, had coffee and walked the dog and talked to Him all day long. I love my time with HIM. He has changed me SOOOO much. I know He is in control of all things and I long for His will to be mine.

Spending time alone with my HH on a Sunday, truthfully, it hasn't been hard like I thought it would be! I have Christian music playing and read the Word or do my lessons. I was worried about what people would think, but honestly, that has not bothered me either! Praise God when we do His Will and He always knows our hearts, He does work all things out for good. I have so enjoyed spending time reading the Word. So great and so thankful.

The turning point to actually ENJOYING these time with Him was, at first, I was on the RMI website looking for some form of structure as to be obedient! I soon discovered that's not what it's about and let go of the traditions I thought I needed to carry. Instead, I remember walking the dog and just praying and praising the Lord. It was so liberating and fun! I now look forward to be free with Him on Sundays!! I don't plan anymore and just let the day unfold πŸ™‚

I get up and praise Him and pray in my secret place - my closet! I long to hear His quiet whisper. I enjoyed taking 2 classes at the gym this past Sunday then getting coffee. SO simple, but when you are so focused on His goodness, It doesn't really matter what you are doing. I also watched a wonderful sermon about "Waiting on the Lord". It really spoke to me about my journey and confirmed all that I'm doing. The Lord gives us exactly what we need when we need it!

My HH and I have a love song. It's the one recommended by Celine Dion - β€œBecause You Loved Me" Here are some of the lyrics I would like to share with you:

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz You believed

Dear Bride - God is so amazing and he just longs for you to put him 1st and trust Him with every detail of your life. He longs to be your Beloved, HH. He promised in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has a good plan for your life...just believe and seek Him with all your heart. He will never disappoint!

~ Briella in California