How did your restoration actually begin Margaret?
My restoration began when I realized that our God is a God of love and that He didn't throw me in the furnace to burn, but to draw me closer to Him. I accepted that God was working in me and who I am in Him. It wasn't about my EH or his sins because he doesn't know the Lord “yet”. It was about me and how God was preparing me to depend on Him.
My beloved sisters, God restored my marriage with a not yet believer husband (he will be a Godly man, I prophesied in the name of Jesus!)
Yes, he had another woman! Yes, he moved out! Yes, he bought all the furniture for his new apartment! Yes, he said that he didn’t love me anymore, and I have been through everything you are going through right now!!
Throughout my restoration journey, I constantly questioned if my marriage was going to be restored for several reasons: I was born again when I was 16 years old and I knew that I shouldn’t have married an unbeliever. I had never really let God have His will in my emotional life. It’s embarrassing to share this, but I used to think to myself: God can’t have anyone better for me than this man! I have to marry him.
I pressured my husband to get married because we were moving countries and I didn’t want to move overseas only as his fiancé. I never asked God if this was His will at the time. I used to question myself when the crises started, was it really God who joined us together? “What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” Was it really God or MYSELF who joined us together?
It was difficult for me to believe that God wanted to restore my marriage because I have been very disobedient to His word. But sisters, our HH is forgiving and merciful!
I was a jealous, unsubmissive wife. I didn’t honour my husband and I thought that I was better than him. I was full of myself. I started to feel rejected, unloved, and the wall between my husband and I started to get bigger and bigger. We lived in the same house in this situation for over a year and he decided to move from home 9 months ago. Soon after, I found out that he was going on a holiday with the OW. My world fell apart and I ran to the only One who could comfort me, our Beloved.
Margaret, how did God change your situation as you sought Him wholeheartedly?
God changed me and how I was seeing everything around me. He showed me through His Word how He would like me to be and to behave. The closer I got to Him, the more He changed me. My HH broke me with so much love! He kindly showed me through pain that I was the one who was an adulteress in the first place when I was putting my will first, not God's will.
He showed me that I was a pride Pharisee, full of myself. He transformed me into a humble Godly woman, with a quiet spirit and mainly, completely submitted to His Word and will.
The situation around me didn't seem to change, but how I was seeing things, that was constantly changing. I fixed my eyes on the Lord and He was my Everything: My Husband, my Strength, my Comfort, my Friend, my Guide and my only Fountain of Happiness.
All I wanted was to spend my life with my HH.
What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), did the Lord teach you during this trial Margaret?
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage was the best resource I found in my trial. It fed me and it really changed me. I read every line of it, realizing it as the single truth of God and it is fact! I practiced every teaching in the book and ladies, they work! I was washed and cleansed by the Word of God! Everything we need is in the Bible. If we follow closely what God command us to do, we will be successful in everything we do.
The principles that I have applied were:
See my sins only
The work is in me, not on other people
Let God be God in my life: my First Love, being the first in my life
Don't go on FaceBook or try to know anything related to the OW
Be quiet
Have a quiet spirit
Don't bring problems to your husband
Agree with my adversary
Wait in the Lord because He is perfect and His timing is perfect
Don't go after my husband: don't ask him what he is doing, who he is with....
Be kind and happy when he is around
Don’t take the wedding ring off
Keep the house and his stuff exactly how he left it
Margaret, what were the most difficult times that God helped you through?
Being quiet! Keeping my mouth closed! People would come to me to say what he was doing and actually my 3-year-old son started to say the OW name and her children's name and God gave me the grace to keep quiet, not mentioning anything to my EH.
The OW's husband contacted me as well and God gave me strength to delete the conversation and not to reply to him.
God sustained me during this whole 9 months separated. Every single second of it was painful and very difficult.
Margaret, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?
The turning point of my restoration was when I had my EH (we were separated for 9 months) and his family over for Christmas. God moved and we spent Christmas as a family, and this moved my husband’s heart and gave me the chance to show him all the amazing work that my HH was doing in me during the 9 months that we were separated. My husband asked me if I still had some of his clothes in the house on Christmas day. I told him that it was in his chest of drawers just like he left it. Oh sisters, how I prophesied upon that chest of drawers that all his clothes were going to be back again and they are now!
They stayed over for 3 days (all not yet believers) and as soon as they left, I anointed the house and cried on my HH’s feet because I missed Him so much! During these 3 days, I didn’t hear my worship songs, didn’t hear my favourite preachers and didn’t pour out my heart with tears before my HH like I normally do. I just missed Him so much!
When my husband and his family left the house, I ran to my HH’s feet praising Him because I missed His presence for the last 2 days that I had people over! I longed for my HH more than words could describe! This was the turning point of my restoration as everyone else says!
I realized I loved my new life with my 3-year-old son and my HH. I no longer watched TV or listened to any world music, and having the TV on for these 3 days and world music in my house really upset me. I didn’t want to live this life anymore. I genuinely opened my heart to the Lord and told Him that I was happy with my new life with Him and that I didn’t want my husband back if he wasn’t transformed by Him. When I really accepted the Lord as my Husband, He changed my situation.
Margaret, tell us HOW it happened? Did your husband just walk in the front door?
It really happened out of nowhere! My EH was being very rude with me right before Christmas and he changed in the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I went to the church on the 29th of December and my friend had a vision while she was praying for me that my husband was blind but he desperately wanted to see! I got back home on that day and all I could do was cry out for the blood of Christ to set my EH free from the spiritual blindness. All of the sudden he started to change! He started to share more photos of my son, checking how my day was going and even asked for me to pray for him. I knew that something was happening. I believed in that vision that the Lord gave to my friend. On the night of December 31st to January 1st, I had a dream that my EH had his wedding ring back on. He looked at it and he said: “I want a new one!”
Yes sisters, on that same morning my EH came to pick up my son with his wedding ring back on! Just like that! I couldn’t be more surprised. He invited me to go to the park with him and my son and I gladly said yes! He didn’t mention anything until we were back at home. I offered him a cup of tea and kindly said: “I am glad to see your wedding ring back on!” He smiled and he said: “New Year, new life!”
To the GLORY of the Lord!!! In fractions of seconds, he started to answer everything that I was praying for two years: He said that he loved even more now, that he never felt like he was at home in his rented flat, that he missed me, how much more he appreciated me. That he was truly sorry for everything he had done, and how much he admired me and that he was miserable during all the time we were separated and that he prayed! He said that he would cry almost every day. And in the end, he asked if he could move back in even having his rental contract for more 4 months!
Oh how I have prayed to hear all these things! God answered to all my prayers in seconds!
Margaret did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?
Not until 3 days before he moved back. I started to see something changing after my friend’s vision, but I couldn’t tell that he was coming back home.
Would you recommend any of our resource in particular that helped you?
Do all the RRR Online Courses in the RMI website! Ready all the testimonials because this will give you strength and faith. If God restored my marriage, He will restore yours as well! How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage you must read and apply all the principles and let the Lord change you for His glory.
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage was real spiritual food to me and I was transformed by the Word of God, even after 15 years going to the church! I can’t put in words the strength and hope that the RYM book and all your testimonials gave me. I followed every single principle of the book and the scriptures, and I have experienced great miracles!
Margaret, do you have favorite Bible verses that you would like to pass on to women reading your Testimonies? Promises that He gave you?
I have so many!
Would you be interested in helping encourage other women?
Margaret, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?
Our HH is wonderful! I don’t have words to describe Him! If God restored my marriage He will restore yours!
I did everything wrong and my HH still had mercy on me! I was a believer (not converted properly). I got married to an unbeliever, had a my son before getting married.... I questioned the Lord if actually my marriage was out of His will….Yes, your marriage is God's will and He will restore it! Just believe!