Cry and be Comforted in His Lap

I would like to shout praises of joy about my HH's faithfulness and guidance in my life!

I am working for the translations team here in RMI, somewhat being led by my Beloved to contribute since He had made me bilingual and eventually sow into other womenโ€™s lives here in my country and I am still in much anticipation of what He will do with this!

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

The enemy is mocking me whispering into my ear that I am not helping anyone else through what I am doing and my HH is not giving me an encouragement partner, even just one woman who can encourage me and vice versa on this journey but He is faithful to remind me that through what Sara is telling me, that what I do is somehow reaching the hearts of other hurting brides like me and through what I am doing, I am sowing into their lives as well. I knew it was my Beloved speaking right through her just when the enemy is trying to make me feel useless. No, he wonโ€™t succeed!

Matthew 13:20-21 "The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away."

I am in a situation right now after more than a year into my RJ where I am at a point where there are still waters ahead of me. Quite honestly, the peace that He had given me is somehow making me nervous for the days ahead but I know my HH is leading every step of the way. I have reached past the point where I had exhausted all my efforts and tried to do everything in the ministry and what they are teaching us (thatโ€™s where we all start) to get frustrated and tired if I do things right, always watching for my mistakes and feeling so low I was not reaching a place where most of the ladies here are, feeling such a hard case.

I have ceased from doing anything only to find out later, through the FAL lessons after He had lead me, that He is putting me in a place He knows best I needed. WOW. Just WOW. He just turned my greatest frustrations and setbacks all again for His glory, and that was the time I spent most taking care of my son and getting closer to Him.

After the peacefulness, He again started His work by having the ministry start a new app to track our progress and it was all I have been thinking about! I have been contemplating on starting doing the courses again because I fear I am slowly returning back to the woman I once was but I am overwhelmed by the tasks and didnโ€™t know where to start and here it was!

Also, He had led me to answer the lessons both in English and my native language! I am so excited about what HE is leading me to do and where to go! It would be a great help mostly for me as I also get to renew my mind and take my mind off my situation which is causing me to be distracted! Praise Him!

Psalm 37:5 "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:"

Also, my son has been growing beautiful and well all thanks to His Heavenly father! When my EH passed by my office yesterday because he had picked something up and brought our baby when itโ€™s time for them to go, my son cried and said โ€œMa, ma, ma!โ€ he is just 9 months old! Many commented on how strong and beautiful boy he is and every time I get hugs from him, it really fills my heart, oh how I love my little family of three. My baby, Him and me.

I can't wait for the plans of my HH to unfold before my eyes but for now, I know, everytime fears starts to creep in and pain also comes with it, I can rest safely and cry and be comforted it His lap because I know He will never leave nor forsake me and He will fight this battle for me, just like the true gentleman He is!

~ย Cherie in Manila
New Tagalog Translator

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