Wanting a Major Breakthrough

So this praise took place a couple of days ago. I wanted to wait until I had a whole testimony to give but today I have this feeling that I am needing to write this praise report for someone who still isn’t quite sure if God is working on the other side of the mountain. My journey began 4 months ago. I would see my EH here and there when he was watching our children while I go to work. Then December came and he had to go back to where he is currently living with the OW. I saw him that same month and he would not acknowledge me whatsoever.

Well, the next month in January I had to see him again and it was like I was standing and speaking to my husband again. He was a totally different person than the month before. Talking and actually sharing info with me. Well in February I started a 7 day fast with only drinking water and wanting to get closer to God and wanting a major breakthrough as well as a miracle to happen. Day 5 of my fast I was reading the How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage Chapter 6 “Contentious Woman” again. In that chapter, it talks about confessing and apologizing to your EH your sins.

I asked God if I am supposed to apologize by text (cause that’s how we usually talk to one another) then give me the opportunity to do it. I also asked if it was supposed to be done in person then give me the opportunity to be able to see him and do it. While I was doing the journal for that chapter I had been getting several texts messages. I happened to look up and as a text message was coming through and saw that it was my EH. I asked God for confirmation if this was the time? I text my EH back a response to his message and then he sent another one. So I took that as a sign that I was to apologize.

Ladies God is AWESOME! I text him apologizing for being a loud and argumentative woman due to me being prideful and self-righteous. He accepted the apology. Now here is where the total shock came. My EH replied back that he should be apologizing as well because he was mean and he had no reason to be. He said he was sorry for hurting me and that he never intended to. I accepted. I never thought I would ever hear an apology from him. Tears of joy started running down my face due to how GOOD GOD IS! Do not give up. Do not let the enemy come to steal, kill, and destroy your marriage and family.

Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 1 Peter 3:1-2

~ Amanda in Texas
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