w@h “Roles of Wife, Mother, and Homemaker”

Dear Brides, whenever we are faced with a challenge or issue in our lives that is beyond our control, take courage in knowing that we have a Husband who can more than take care of it and has proven to us over and over His faithfulness. Increase your trust in Him by going over his goodness to you each day and take time in your quiet time with Him to tell Him how grateful you are for His continued faithfulness. Remember that every trial we face or problem we feel overwhelmed by is His opportunity to show Himself powerful, loving, and faithful on our behalf. He longs to be gracious to us and He is waiting with open arms to help us not only conquer what we are going through but to grow in our faith and love for Him afterward.

ThisΒ Chapter 1. Making the Most of Life "Let Her Works Praise Her" helped renew my mind to the fact that no matter where the problem in my life is, once I surrender it to my Beloved, He will take care of it. The roles of wife, mother, and homemaker can be very overwhelming at times. It is hard sometimes to juggle all the roles that I need to, but this chapter reminded me that as long as I surrender whatever I am struggling with to my HH, He will provide me with what I need.Β  This is very helpful in my time with Him. I discuss my concerns and the inner feelings of my heart in a way that I can't do with anyone else. It's nice to discuss what I am really feeling with my HH who is more than patient and wise.

This lesson has been good in helping me overcome my current struggles with moving to a new state and living in a motel with my two youngest daughters with my EH in the room next to us. It isn't an ideal situation, but each time I start to feel frustrated and feeling like I need to "do something" to change my circumstances, I remember that all things are possible with my HH.

Mark 10:27 (NKJV) "But Jesus looked at them and said, β€œWith men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.”

I love this scripture and remind myself of it often, especially when my circumstances aren't lining up with the promises of my Beloved. I keep reminding myself that with Him all things are possible! I remind myself or tell Him in our quiet time that I trust Him and believe we are where we are supposed to be and in His perfect timing, He will move us where He wants us to be. This has been extremely helpful in encouraging my two younger daughters to wait patiently for the Lord to move on our behalf when they voice their worries or concerns to me and I also point them to their Heavenly Father to pour out their hearts to Him.

I believe I can help other women by encouraging them to pour out their hearts to the Lord concerning their everyday issues. I can assure them that He is interested in every detail of their lives and roles that we women face and He has a plan for them that is very detailed and I will be living these new principles in my life, with others and especially in my home by taking every concern and issue to my HH. I will wait patiently for Him to answer me and readily ask for His forgiveness when I mistakenly try to do things in my own strength.

My Beloved, I love You with all my heart. I don't want to fall back into doubt and fear whenever things aren't going the way I think they should in my life. Help me continue to grow spiritually and in my relationship with You to trust You in the "midst of the wind and the waves" of my life. Continue to mold and shape me into the person You've created me to be. Help me to continue receiving the help of the Holy Spirit as You remind me of Your faithfulness and goodness. I long to be closer to You and I know that if I doubt You or Your faithfulness, that won't happen. I want to experience a closer relationship with You than I already have because You are my everything. As long as I have You, I have everything that I need.

I am so glad that I read this Workers@HomeΒ book. It is such a blessing for me! I have learned so much about how to seek God in the "small things" of my life like following a routine for my family, teaching and training my children to cook, clean and mend their clothes, on how to deal with toy-mania and clutter, how to plan meals and eating out, etc. I could go on and on about every gem of wisdom found in this book! I have read and re-read my copy and am seeking the Lord on who to bless with their own. This is a book every woman should have, whether she's a wife or mother or not!

Isaiah 30:18 (NKJV) "Therefore the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you; And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; Blessed are all those who wait for Him."

I love this verse because it assures me of where I have many shortcomings, my wonderful HH is more than enough and He wants to be there for me, as only He can.

~ Rita in Louisiana

Workers@Home Course

In each of the 15 weekly lessons, the methods and principles that keep Erin's life running smoothly are there to help you get inspired. The chapters in this book will be your constant resource for getting your life to run smoothly: organizing and scheduling your time, meals, clutter, cleaning, laundry, and even sewing. Whether you need help managing the time God has given you, or an easier way to get things done, you will refer to this book again and again!

If you haven't taken it, speak to your HH about it. If you have taken or read it, consider adding your ReviewΒ or submitting a praise report.

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