Desperate to Find Peace and Love

Dear Bride, oftentimes we are so desperate to find peace and love and we look for it in the wrong places, and we get frustrated. Here Finding the Abundant Life you will learn where you have been putting your focus on and it could be entirely in the wrong place. Get ready to be set straight to find comfort and love and ultimately be fulfilled.

This Chapter 7 “Longing For Whom?” reinforced what I have read all along that no matter what I must focus on having a strong relationship with my HH I have been struggling with the negative feelings about my situation and today I get a sense of belonging, this is where I need to be in order to move on, in order to experience my HH with all its power I can not keep looking for things where there is none. And that is in my EH. ONLY WITH AN INTIMATE CLOSENESS WITH MY HH WILL I OVERCOME.

I understand that if I stay hungry for the Lord my HH I can find answers that are much needed, but most of the comfort. His got me .! It has been quite a while since I’ve been asking for guidance on what to do, how to get me through this tough time, and the Lord has put it in me to fast but I have not been strong enough I eventually put it off, but today God answers with it’s something you have to do. Nothing else so I will do it. I will do it for me to have a closer relationship with Him. And to put me at a higher level of understanding… I am at a point where I don’t want a marriage restoration, not if it means having the same husband. I am imploring for clarity in the areas where I need guidance and change in me… I am where all I want and all I need is the Lord my HH.

Let’s pray laying down our hearts and lives to the One that knows EVERYTHING: Dear Lord, only you know me, you know what I have been struggling with, you know my fears my desires and ultimately my heart, today I ask you with every fiber of my being to please continue guiding me to get much more close to you. I yearn for your love, security fill my heart and soul with your love, make me new again. Transform me into the woman you wish me to be, the pure, loving, happy bride you deserve. I don’t want anything but you. Help me have endurance in my trials to overcome all the things that are keeping me away from you . In your name. Amen.

Dear Brides nothing, absolutely nothing happens just because there is always a purpose a plan and God is always on your side but we must be open to finding the answers you desire, stay in faith and with an open mind, you will find that comfort you soo need and desire.

Often times we keep searching for answers to our situations and we get frustrated because we have not what WE want… but in this book Finding the Abundant Life you will get guidance on how to get those answers and most of all you will find the real desires of your heart get excited and stay open to new possibilities you can’t even imagine.

β€œβ€˜If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it’” (Matthew16:25).

This was a powerful verse for me as I have understood it is that I must lose everything in order for me to find my HH and it so it has happened and the more I see and accept it that way things become more easy.

~ Emma in Sedona
I’m aΒ tithingΒ partner.Β Learn more.

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