EH Downloaded Bible App!!

I've experienced a RESTORED Marriage was on the Ministry Team but now am on sabbatical.

I have prayed a lot about my EH´s salvation— even more than for our complete marriage restoration. I have understood that His works and Purposes go beyond our relationship as spouses and I know for sure He has great things in store for both of us, not only speaking about living a happily married life and honoring His plan for a man and woman, but also to use all we have been through and learned in our separate RJs to be put to the service of those who are hurting and live in situations similar to the ones we have faced.

I already shared in one of the Journals for the LAL course, how He has continuously shown me the great plans He has for us and how He wants my EH to follow Him fully too. In my last journal, I shared that: "He wants me to let go of everything, especially the marriage restoration that was my motivation to follow Him at the beginning of my RJ. I know now, after a long time asking Him, that He wants me to focus on Him and submit to Him in order to please Him and not my EH. He showed me this is why I have been feeling my EH is distant after being restored by Him. Also, I understood that it is Him who continues to restore us, but He also is doing this by separating us.

My EH's RJ is different to mine and has different seasons. I can see this now. He confirmed me this some weeks ago in a beautiful dream. He showed me and my EH holding hands, I knew it was him but he was extremely tall, like two times my height (and I'm quite tall LOL). Then, He let me know that he would make him to the stature or height of my HH!!!"

Now, if you knew my EH and how adamant he's been towards anything religious, towards churches and the scriptures, you would really be curious about His ways to get to him.

However, this was just me doubting negative power and control on us. My EH believes in God, he just doesn´t believe in religious things, which I understand now is why my HH had me take the RRR courses. There´s definitely and sadly a lot of religious influence in the world that makes people doubt and be far from getting the kind of relationship He wants us to have with Him. This is why we need to show our transformed hearts through our works so they are led to Him and to His abundant life!

His last AWESOME work in my EH´s life was this: I already let go of Facebook a long time ago (Thanks to Him!!!) and don´t share social media, so I don’t know what my EH publishes or comments, but I do see him spending a lot of time on his cell phone. Instead of fretting, I decided to let go of this situation a long time ago. This week, he was doing this again and I went to my prayer closet because still, the enemy wants to attack me with thoughts of him having sinful texts on the phone. Then, my EH asked me if I could help him, he showed me the phone screen and it said HE HAD DOWNLOADED THE BIBLE APP!!!!! on his phone and didn´t know how to find the chapters in there!!!

My heart jumped with happiness for him and gratefulness for His works in him, but calmly (this was hard LOL) I started to teach him how to use the app. Yesterday he told me that the "verse of the day" and having the Bible at hand was great for him :). My eyes are wide open now as I write this. How awesome and unpredictable our HH ways are and how hard my heart was. Thank You, my Lord, for taking care of all details, for touching my EH´s life and opening the road for a beautiful intimate relationship with You. Thank You for not giving up on me no matter how I make mistakes or think wrongly, You always make sure I understand Your ways!!!

Isaiah 65:24
"It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear."

Jeremiah 31:3
"The Lord appeared to [a]him from afar, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness."

Isaiah 55:9 NIV
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts."

~ Sara in Colón

Do you want to PRAISE Him for how He's shown you how to let go and embrace Your HH so that you too can experience a RESTORED marriage and see GOD do the impossible in your EH's life? Aren't you thankful that Sara shared this with you an Encouraging Woman?

Remember, Matthew 7:13-14 tells us to “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.”

And Psalm 100:4 tells us HOW to Enter— “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.”

Be sure to submit a Praise Report today and enter through that narrow gate few ever find!

ALSO, consider downloading the BIBLE APP for yourself and read through the Bible so that when you EH asks, you can show Him what you found.