First Place in My Heart

God is good the Lord specifically told me to let my husband go in March but because I loved my EH so much I was struggling to do so. A couple of months later the Lord sent someone to share a “Like” on marriage restoration. I was amazed at how my HH used this to get me to understand that he wants to be the first place in my heart.

I am truly learning to be obedient because I cannot fight this battle alone I need my Heavenly Husband. My HH wants me to love him more than my EH. I am learning to totally depend on and trust him. There is my good days and my bad days where all I think about is my EH but that’s the trick of the enemy to keep me depressed.

I love my HH because he loves me more than I can imagine. My HH wants me to live a life where he is totally in control. I want more of my HH now in my life. Because he knows the end from the beginning.

The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord as the rivers of water he turned his it whithersoever he will. Proverbs 21:1

~ Faith
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