I Used to Fuss and Fret and Worry!

Dear Bride, we have many, many bad habits, even though we are learning and we know better. Habits have to be replaced with repeated practice, so do not be discouraged when you fail. Take it as a time to practice, to rebuild how your mind and heart works. SEEK HIM!

The frustration of the OTHER Ditch … Week 10 β€œUseless Ditch” in Living Lessons, It is very easy to watch others and see when they are going too far off the good road. It’s funny how we can be blind to it and fall off on the other side, as we are focusing on avoiding the other ditch. I’ve even experienced it physically, as my oldest daughter lives in the country, and the roads have no shoulders and drop off into deep ditches. They are narrow, and sometimes huge rock trucks come flying toward me. I, OF COURSE, want to avoid them, so I pull right, only to feel my right wheel beginning to hit the edge of the ditch. It is HARD to stay on the narrow road.

Yet, even in the physical world, I have been helped by seeking my LOVE’s guidance as I drive to my daughter’s place. I simply ask Him, “Guide me Love, you KNOW how I can be distracted.” My driving is less stressful, and I’ve even noticed fewer rock trucks when I’m on that narrow highway! In the spiritual world, our Heavenly Love will help us, too! Simply ask Him, “Love, keep me on the right path. I know when I fuss and struggle to stay on the road, I often fail. GUIDE ME!” He is true to His Word!

It all comes back to my original false belief. I used to believe that we were supposed to fight and struggle and work HARD to be good. I thought He was pleased by my struggle–that He wanted me to fuss, fight, worry about my children, and stand up to the evils in this world, striving constantly not only for me to do what is right, but also my children and my former spouse. Not only did this not please my LOVE, but it also annoyed my children AND it drove my former husband away.

We need to remember that He longs for us to put our burdens at HIS FEET. He is not pleased by our struggle and fuss! He is pleased when we not only come to Him daily but when we WALK with Him and LISTEN to His voice throughout each and every day!

It is NOT about struggling to pay attention to both sides of the road!! He longs for us to pay attention to HIM, then He will guide us down the narrow center! Trust in Him and you will have PEACE!

Now, I do not only have a time of prayer and Bible reading to start my day. Instead, I walk with Him throughout the day. Yes, I speak to Him about everything, but I also just LISTEN. Sometimes it is only a slow breath, in and out, while finishing a daily task. During that breath, I’llΒ say, “What next, Love?”

Sure, I still make a list of things to do; I’m still a responsible adult, but I am NOT as rigged and pushing, striving. Instead, I have peace and joy from Him! My list gets completed–sometimes by OTHERS doing my work!! Really–when I let Him lead me, I find people offering to help me, bringing over a used stove when mine broke, saying, “On the way to getting rid of this, I thought I should ask you if you could use it.” !!??!! I kid you not!

Let Him keep you on the road. Just seek His voice and take a moment to LISTEN to Him, as you breathe! I will continue to seek Him, taking moments to feel His presence and seek His way.

My Love, change my heart and mind so I desire what You desire, so that I immediately seek YOUR way! Oh, My Love, how I used to fuss and fret and worry! My mind still begins to do it, but I use that feeling of stress as an alarm system. The alarm then tells me NOT to fuss and rush, but instead to breathe deep and wait, seeking His leadership. He is always here next to me!!

John 16:33 ESV “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Thank you, Love, for this promise!

~Β Beverly
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