♕ Today's Promise: “Then the LORD stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me, ‘Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.’” Jeremiah 1:9
Dear Brides, He gives each of us the power to make wealth, isn't that amazing? So why are we still complaining? Why are we still suffering? Let's take that step in faith trusting Him and knowing He will take care of us no matter what because He promises it and not because we DO anything or we DESERVE it, but just because He LOVES us!!!
Psalm 127:2, that “It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep,” Wow, this is such a lovely verse and so true that sometimes we strife and why?
This Chapter 3 "The Power to Make Wealth" fits in so nicely with what I and the children spoke about. The three of us are on this journey together while doing Poverty Mentality, it gives me the opportunity to share what I learn here with my children and have them go to the Lord with their needs and wants. It is especially difficult because they have a stepbrother that gets whatever he wants and of course my children see this and hope for the same. And it is not just from his mother, but also when he visits his father, he comes home with expensive and extravagant gifts. And I can understand that because if I was totally honest with you if I had the money, I would also be doing the same:) So the Lord knows how much I need to not be tempted.
And then one day we read this verse and the children wanted to know what it means: Mark 10:25 (NKJV) It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
Would this mean that when you are rich, you cannot go to heaven and why not? I could understand how they felt this was what was said in this verse, so I explained what is meant by this verse and that if we have all the money we want we may not be looking to the Lord anymore but to the money we have to take care of our problems.
And we must never forget that it is Him who gives us the riches we have. Then I read my next lesson and it starts with this verse:)
Then something amazing happened. Last week we went to the shops for the children's grandma and while there, the lady standing behind me in line asks my children to please pick an ice cream for themselves and she will pay! I mean who does that??? My children could not believe their eyes and when we thanked her and walked off I heard them saying thank you to the Lord:)
Then this weekend we were going to the shops for grandma again and my daughter asked if we can just walk around in this art shop she loves and she does not want to buy anything just have a look around and then as we entered there was a promotion for a specific brand and both children got the loveliest gift bags filled with so many things!!!
The specific supermarket where we usually buy what we need they also have these collector cards or something similar that the children can collect if you buy for a specific amount etc. Because it is the rugby world cup, they have these rugby cards that you get and my children are busy collecting them. We usually only get 4 cards or so because we never buy for that much at a time and when we checked out, the lady at the counter said to just hang on because she keeps all the cards that no one wants separately and she would like to give it to the kids. Each got more than 20 cards and then while exiting the shop two different people gave their cards to my children. They walked out with so many cards that their collection is almost full.
Now for us as adults, I don't think we see much in this but for my children, this was seen as the best day! Getting all these things for free. Then my daughter asked me what did we do that Jesus blesses us so. And I told her nothing, He just loves you two so much that He wants to give you all these things just because of that.
Just before starting Poverty Mentality it seems that financially I am just having trouble making ends meet but I know the reason for this is that I need not just read the principles and the promises here, but that I need to live it. And what better way than to have me depend on Him so totally and then since I have started these lessons it seems that month after month it is a new blessing.
Oh my dear Lord, thank You so much for this course, thank You for what I am learning here and thank You that I have You to depend on for all my wants and needs. I also thank You that You are teaching my children that you love them so much that You care to do all the little unexpected things for them. It warms my heart so much when I see how they are living Your principles. I love You so much. Amen:)
Another great chapter "The Power to Make Wealth" to blow your mind. The verse being used in the introduction, I went and looked for because I wanted to make sure it is real and ladies it is!!! He gives us the power to make wealth.
As I said previously, I am really enjoying this course Poverty Mentality so much and it came at exactly the right time! He just knows what we need when we need it.
~ Yvonne in South Africa
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