Chasing That “One Day”

♕ Today's Promise: “I proclaim to you new things from this time, even hidden things which you have not known." Isaiah 48:6

Dear Brides, as I was reading this Chapter 4 "Give it Away", the thing that stood out the most to me was how I have always been chasing after my promise and have yet to obtain it. Everything I have read or received is always in the future and "some day/one day." I am so grateful for this chapter in particular because it has given me the secret of going from chasing that "one day" promise to I will receive that promise immediately. Come and find out this secret…

“I proclaim to you new things from this time, even hidden things which you have not known.” Isaiah 48:6

“Then the LORD answered me and said, ‘Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail, though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay’” Habakkuk 2:2–3

“Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days—You would not believe if you were told” Habakkuk 1:5

"Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary” Isaiah 40:31

I love this from Michele: "Those of you who have had a heart for giving, and also what He has been speaking to me, is that we are on the threshold of some amazing things that are going to happen in our lives! As He put it that morning, He said, “You would not believe if you were told!” And He ends by saying that even though right now we see nothing, by faith, we must continue to praise Him....she also says, God gives to us in order for us to give to others---that's the secret to living abundantly."

My Love has amazing things for me. Things that I cannot wrap my mind around, so even if He told me, I would most likely doubt them because it is beyond what I can think or imagine just like it says in Ephesians 3:20.

I need to give more out of my lack. I need to stop trying to figure out how I can help others with the little I currently have. The reality is just like the woman who had just enough flour and oil to bake a loaf of bread just for herself and her son, she gave all that she had to the prophet willingly. In return, she was blessed with so much more. I have to remember that out of my lack comes obedience and faith in Him. My Love is my Provider, Protector and Overflow. My resources are from above not from this earth...I lack nothing.

As I have been on this journey, I have heard many words and many prophecies and everything is always "it's on its way." I have received and claimed these but have yet to see them. Honestly, I am so tired of everything being in the future and staying in the future. I want to see things happen and happen immediately after the trial or situation takes place.

I saw that in this chapter, Michele had the same feelings until one day it changed.

"Some years ago, whenever trials hit me and my life, I began to believe that something good was going to come out of it—but some day—some year or some decade later. Yet, over the course of this past year I began to look for that blessing not a year or a decade later, but to look for the blessing immediately; immediately after the trial was over. Then, that’s exactly what began to happen. The day arrived when all that I had sown began to overtake me and would often show up even before the trial even hit my life. Money showed up in my hand or wallet or bank account before I needed it. Plans for what I needed to do showed up before anyone had even asked me the question."

"Then paraphrasing Isaiah 40:2, 'Speak kindly...And call out to her, that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity has been removed, that she has received of the LORD'S hand DOUBLE for all her sins [or mistakes].' Not only did my daughters walk away from this experience with an understanding of how blessings overtake us, but to be sure to look for the blessings immediately, something He first gave to me."

So I will begin to look for that blessing IMMEDIATELY. I will give blessings or give the Truth to others and it shall be given unto me.

I have been struggling with the thought of everything being in the future. Always chasing after the blessing but never reaching it. I have been struggling with the fact that I have yet to see the full promises of my Love, once again always chasing it and it always being just out of my reach. I struggled with wondering will I ever receive my promise? Or did I make the promise up in my head because of the lack of receiving my promise(s)? I have struggled with feeling, will I be one of the "lucky" ones that gets to enjoy this abundant life and not just read about it through others?

Let’s Pray: My Baby Love, increase me. Change me. Mold me. Fill me. Cover me. My Love I want to live this abundant life. I don't want to just read about it through others, I want to obtain it. My Love help me to see the blessing immediately, not always in the future. Help me to see it right after or even in the trial. I don't want to feel like I am always chasing after the promise. I want to live it, actually live it. I need your help with this. I need your help to be set free from what it has always been...chasing and only dreaming of "one day." I bring this before Your cross. I lay it down and I surrender it to You. I trust You with the outcome. Thy will be done.

Dear Brides, this Chapter 4 "Give it Away" has been an eye opener for me. Simply because I have always struggled with the fact that I am chasing after that "one day it will happen" promise or just out of my reach to obtain it promise to I will receive my promise immediately. I will not have to wait years or many years to receive it. I will receive it immediately by the very nature of me giving unto others. Then looking to see the blessing come immediately. This is so simple and yet it has been a concept that I have missed for quite a long time.

Sometimes the answer to our prayers, struggles, frustrations and concerns are right in front of us and we don't even recognize it. We tend to complicate things that are rather easy and simple. This book peels back the layers of complicity and shows us the simple reality of what is and has been before us all along. We tend to think that the abundant life that we so desire has to be worked for and so hard to obtain BUT our Heavenly Husband is saying, no it's right here before you. It is easy, look through My eyes. Come see what I have placed right before you. It is easy.

~ Olivia in California
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