Great Exchange for His Burden is Easy and Light

β™• Today's Promise: β€œMy yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:30

Dear Brides, how heavy have your shoulders felt lately? Does it seem harder to walk and keep moving forward? Is it harder to keep your eyes looking forward and on God? This lesson, Chapter 4 β€œWhen Do I Give Up?” gives you a road map on how to navigate through these feelings that you are having. Come and get your "map."

Matthew 11:29-30 (MSG) β€œAre you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion [performing good works in order to please others]? Come to me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Meβ€”watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

In this lesson, β€œWhen Do I Give Up?” the part that stood out to me the most is that the moment I start to feel like I want to quit, I need to realize that this is a clue to me that I am trying to handle and do everything on my own and in my own strength. This is a great indicator that I need to go and give him everything, make that great exchange with Him. Run to and cling to Him. Everything that has made me worn out isn't my yoke to take but His.

This lesson, is very real to me because this is one that I deal with a lot. As of lately, there has been a lot coming against me. I have read this lesson before but I did not journal. So now that I am doing this lesson over again and now journaling, the situation is so much worse. My step-dad has taken a turn for the worse with his cancer, only diagnosed 3 months ago, the doctors are just waiting for him to pass. My finances are depleted. My husband has stopped calling and texting like he was. He is not being intimate with me any more. He is more distant. He has not come around like he was. My children, whom I usually do not have many issues with, are having moments of defiance and disobedience, which has led me to have arguments with them. I still need a home. I do not feel like my prayers have any effect and it is a challenge to do it. But I still find myself worshiping and praising my Heavenly Husband and finding that time with Him. Because with Him all things are possible. He is more than enough. With the weight of all this stuff happening, the yoke has been too much for me to bear.

I need to start out my days from the get go with Him. I need to bring everything before Him and release it all to Him. I cannot carry this burden every day all day and repeat. I need to give it to Him and let Him have it all. I need to make this great exchange for His burden is easy and light.

Heavenly Husband, I have been struggling lately with the burdens that have been meeting me. I need Your help to recognize when the heavy burdens are coming and weighing me down. Beloved, I am so used to just dealing with it and going along. But this is not what You have planned for me. You said to make that exchange with You. I need Your help. Do whatever You have got to do in me. I do not want to carry this any more. I need You. I need You. I need You. I want You. Rescue me!!!

Let’s pray, lay everything down: My Beloved, I need You more than ever. I know that I need to take my eyes off of everything else and keep them on You. I need Your help. I need You to give me strength, peace and joy. I need Your help and make this great exchange. I have always heard it said that things get worse right before the breakthrough. It has definitely been a lot worse and it is increasing every day. I thank You in advance to praise You and glorify You for whatever and all that You are doing. I know You are in full control. You are working behind the scenes, on the other side of the mountain and working it all out for my good. Beloved, I thank You for You will get all the glory.

Dear Brides, come and find the answer to how you can break away from everything that is trying to hold you back.

This book, Finding the Abundant Life, is a road map for you to navigate through this journey. Come and get your "map." This is the answer to help you breakthrough and find your abundant life.

~ Olivia in California
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