I Am Forever Changed

β™• Today's Promise: β€œHe will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.” Psalm 91:4-6

☊ PR Podcast Fay

Dear Brides, let me tell you right now that you have not even began to live yet. If you still have to decipher between what things matter to you (materials/earthly) then you cannot begin to imagine the life God has for you. He is all we will ever need. You are His and He wants you to depend completely and solely on Him.

Ask yourself again, what and who you can't live without and I can guarantee your answer will change to just God himself after reading this chapter 1, β€œWhat Is the Abundant Life?” and really understanding His word. God is all we will ever need; Delight yourselves in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart (which will in turn be what He wants for you).

God has taught me that everything else in this world is worthless. He is my everything and all I will ever need. This has helped renew and refresh my mind, because I cling onto the things I have and even the relationship I had (my marriage) but nothing compares to the amount of peace and abundance that God offers me. He is truly all I need and want. This chapter, β€œWhat Is the Abundant Life?”, has opened my eyes to the way I need to spend my time with God and how I can lean on Him for anything. In return, He will provide and/or guide me to where I need to be.

I have learned that God should be your everything. You should seek Him everyday and in all ways. Every concern, worry or struggle should be given to Him. Even our brightest days should be given to Him for He deserves the victory. Knowing that I belong to God and that He loves me helps me through my current journey and anything I struggle with. God can provide a sense of peace in your life that extends beyond comprehension. I am going through the toughest season of my life thus far and yet He is carrying me and I am covered by His grace.

Going forward I will not place anything or anyone before Him. I will rest in knowing that no matter the circumstances, God loves me and will not forsake me. He will be my light on the dark and narrow paths.

I am reading about tithing and how God wants our first. I do not know where to start. I also struggled yesterday when talking with my EH and getting emotional rather than talking to God first.

Let us pray and ask for His leading, pray in your own words: Dear Lord, I pray that you lead me in the ways in which you would want me to go. Lord help me to become the woman you are calling me to be and as you do so, help me walk faithfully in my calling. Lord help me to determine where I should tithe and what that looks like for me and my family. Help me to seek you during all times and during any circumstance to gain a closer relationship to you. Lord I truly only want you and what you have for me. I do not want to put anything or anyone before you ever again. Lord lead me and help me in all situations. I wish to handle things the way you see fit.

Dear Brides, place no one above Him. He is a jealous God and He wants to be your lover, your best friend, your healer, your maker and so much more. Delight yourself in Him. Give Him all the praise and worship for He is the reason for all things. I've learned that God is my Husband first and I am His Bride. He will provide what no one else can provide. He will be your light on the narrow and dark paths; He will be your peace during the midst of the storm and He will guide and carry you when you feel like you can't go anymore. Just give yourself to Him, He is waiting.

All of the resources I have read have truly changed my ways of thinking. It is God's words straight from the Bible. I am forever changed because of reading these books (How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, A Wise Woman, and Finding the Abundant Life).

"For the Lord has called you like a wife deserted and grieved in spirit, like a wife of youth when she is cast off, says your God." Isaiah 54:6

God is your Husband and your First Love. Run to Him and allow Him to lead you to the life He has planned.

"Therefore thus says the Lord. 'If you return, I will restore you and you shall stand before me. IF you utter what is precious and not what is worthless, you shall be as my mouth. They shall turn to you but you shall not turn to them." Jeremiah 15:19

Return to God with all of you. Stop looking at earthly things and seek what He has. He can offer you more than the world or man ever could. Take the leap, there is so much waiting on the other side. Once you turn to Him, He will use you to preach His word and you will never need to seek anyone again for guidance.

~Β Fay in North Carolina

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