Rest in His Comforting Arms

♕ Today's Promise: “Everyone was gripped with great wonder and awe, and they praised God, exclaiming, "‘We have seen amazing things today!’” Luke 5:26 NLT

☊ PR Podcast Lianna

I just want to give praise to my heavenly husband lover of my soul I know that these things that have been happening are only because he has let them happen

This last Sunday my EH and I went together to take our 4 yr old to watch frozen 2 it was her first time going to the movie theater and the funny thing was that as I was a bit nervous to ride in his car once again (he had not let me in his car for months) when he arrived to pick my daughter and me up he had this song playing about standing in God’s love and I couldn’t help but think how peaceful it was how my HH made a peaceful almost warm environment for me for both of us .. though my daughter she is hyper active she behaved really good didn’t jump off the walls as I imagine it .

My EH husband didn’t talk much to me and barely even looked at me he was mostly on his phone in the beginning once the movie started he seems very sleepy but I didn’t let none of this bother me because I knew if I was there it was because my Heavenly Father had allowed it so . After the movie was over we headed home well to my place and a few words were barely exchanged but I still praise God and thank him for such an opportunity.

After that day on Monday I had read about asking my EH for forgiveness I already knew I had to do it but I just didn’t know how I asked my HH if I could have an opportunity if he text me and he did text me he even mention that it wasn’t over for me that he really hoped God would bring me a man in my life . He also told me to keep seeking God and be a good mother and that God surely would bring me a man . I just thanked him for the advice but then I just text him and asked him to forgive me for all that I did and the way I acted when we were living together he told me he forgave me and to also forgive him for always messing up in our relationship but we are married but I just don’t know why he continues to be in denial of it but I just gave up to god I didn’t want to start an argument with him so I let it be and I’m praying the lord will reveal to him that we are in-fact married . In asking for forgiveness I feel it open him to ask for forgiveness also and I know God can work in our lives because we have made a way for him . And I’m excited to see what’s to come because I know my HH is still working on my behalf I rest in his comforting arms and I know he is in control .

“leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:24 ESV

~ Lianna in California
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