Our Marriage Encouragement Ministry: HopeAtLast.com

Dear partners, words fall short in adequately expressing how deeply gracious the Marriage Encouragement Team is for the continued love and support from each of you, our partners. HopeAtLast.com You've ensure that ladies who are experiencing marital trauma have access to resources and materials that facilitate and oftentimes establish a relationship with our Beloved. This, in turn, allows them to experience the deep intimacy that they have been longing for and they open themselves up to allow Him to heal and restore their hearts!

What's New? This month I began working with ministers from AideMaritale.com who speak French. One who recently had a restored marriage who has returned to help, Valerie, and also another who also returned after taking a ministry leave of absence. I am hoping to train them to handle all the new MEQs "Marriage Encouragement Questionnaires" coming in. Together this month, we were able to send 22 evaluations to French speaking ladies who had been patiently waiting! We currently have 8 languages who are actively ministering on https://hopeatlast.com/

Here is a portion of a desperate email that came to us in French, who we were able to encourage:

Good evening, I wrote to you because it's not going well at all for several days. I feel so guilty for what I did. There is no a time that goes by that I think back to my past behavior and bitterly regret having done so much wrong. My main fear is losing him because of my suspicious, aggressive, anxious, possessive and even slanderous behaviour.

Every day is a test. My journey is trying to become better step by step, hour after hour, day after day. And I have always believed that he would return, this hope was there, day after day. But today nearly twelve weeks after he left, the break he gave me no sign of life. I have tried to contact him but God seems to have built an insurmountable wall between him and me. I pray for hours a day for others, for the planet, for those around him, for him, for my surroundings and to ask at least one sign of hope. I wrote a letter last week asking forgiveness, but it's remained unanswered. I am deeply hurt. I live alone, I have lost friends and acquaintances we had in common, and I try not to give up, to continue to have hope but crises are becoming more frequent and guilt takes away all my joy. If only I could have a sign of hope.

I am thankful that our Beloved is restoring what has been lost and continues to send his Brides our way so that we share the wonderful testimony of restoration and help women who are so desperateβ€”now women who speak and read only French! It is so encouraging to see His beautiful Brides come from a place of deep hurt and brokenness to relentlessly pursuing all that He has prepared for them. I pray that He continues to allow us to shine the light that He has given us so many, many, many more who will come to experience His salvation and grace.

One of our newer ladies who recently joined us from New York has been separated and living with her husband for the past two years. She came to us devastated about her current marital situation and is now encouraged to stay the course and has been faithfully completing daily lessons, with only her cell phone, from our "At Last There's Hope" course. Through your LOVE and support, each of you, partners provides, to ensure our resources remain FREE and readily available to those who are desperately seeking His Word, allows us to effectively share and facilitate a relationship with The One who is capable of changing their life!

Beloved, I am so grateful that you have allowed me to continue to share my testimony and the testimony of so many others about how You not only can, but will!! You have taken your ministry through so many changes and I pray that you continue to build and rebuild as you see fit; my prayer is that you create in us a clean heart and allow us to work on one accord to fulfill the call that you have placed in our hearts. I love you so much!

Dear Encouraging Women, All you have to do is show up and He will do the rest! He will honor your willingness to unashamedly share His good news with those that He specifically sends your way. You do not have to be afraid For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

~ Cierra in Kentucky, our RESTORED Minister over our Evaluations, who specializes in β€œletting go” while still Married. Everything changed for Cierra when she realized that all her troubles were due to her unfaithfulness in not tithingβ€” she was allowing the enemy to steal not only from her but her family as well.Β 

Since her restoration, God has blessed Cierra and her husband with 2 RESTORATION babies!!