Lulled by the Peace I Felt

Right now I am taking your first course that helped me understand many things about my marriage and reading all these stories I could tell that I did not conduct myself properly in my marriage as a woman with my spouse should have. Β I know today that our Lord wants from me, as I am, so He can help me become obedient, patient, tolerant, and listening.

So, all this week I focused on reading my Bible and I was lulled by the peace I felt in my body, in my heart, in my entire being and I now know I want to invest more in the Christian life, I want to serve God. So I've put my life in HIS hands for the first time ever because I know that only HE can change my life, amen!

Luke 1:37 nothing is impossible with God
Heb 13.5 I forsake not, nor forsake you
Psalm 1:1 blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked

~ Christelle in France

Praise God, praise God. He asked to put me to the test. I have expressed to God the fact that I felt ready to be tested, for example by being put in contact with people close to my former spouse, so that he knows I am changing and I applying the principles with His help.

Thank you, Lord! I was invited this weekend to attend an event with my FH, with an acquaintance of both my former spouse and I, and it went very well. I'm not perfect, but I manage to overcome moments of crisis a little more quickly and easily.Β Alleluia

God thank you for this weekend that went hugely well!! Glory to God !! Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find ... "(Matt. 7: 7).

I have understood this principle and I now I pray daily to the Lord with expectancy because of how He's answered me.

~ Elise in France

Do you want to PRAISE Him no matter how small or humble? Aren't you thankful that bothChristelle and EliseΒ took the time to share their PRAISE with you an Encouraging Women?

Remember, Matthew 7:13-14 tells us to β€œEnter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.”

And Psalm 100:4 tells us HOW to Enterβ€” β€œEnter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.”

Be sure to submit a Praise Report today and enter through that narrow gate few ever find!