A beautiful yard of my own

β€œFor the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you.” Isaiah 54:10

Hello beautiful brides

Here in my State, we are surrounded by mountains on every side. Our summer is fairly short, and winters seem to stretch on for far too long. We have about 3 weeks left of this beautiful, warm weather before the frigid temperatures hit us.

Yesterday, my spouse borrowed my car, which meant that I had his big work truck. so that meant me and the littles got busy and picked up some free rocks from down the road from my house. I was able to use the rocks to line 3 big flower beds in my yard and it makes me so happy how well they turned out.

My spouse also let me use his weed eater, since my lawn mower broke down last year, I was able to cut my grass for the first time since I've been back home! And it looks amazing!

I also extended my children's play area, which is essentially a big flower bed looking space, for them to dig in the dirt. Lined with large rocks as well. Removed all the weeds and debris.

While I was doing so much heavy lifting and bending i could help but praise and thank my Love that I am able to. I am so grateful for this strong capable body I have. And for this gift he gave me, which I believe comes from my father and mother, who loved working in the yard, making it beautiful.

All the while I was working, I was able to watch my kids, hear them talking and playing in the yard with me. So grateful that I get to have them with me.

There were quite a few times I had to take my thoughts captive and remind myself that I am not doing all this work for anyone but My Love and my children. And I also enjoy it very much.

I recently began painting, watercolors specifically. And me and my daughter both painted some flowers the day before yesterday. Listened to classical music and enjoyed one another's company. Then I was able to sit out in the sun in my new to me favorite lawn chair that reclines! I soaked up the sun and read an amazing book about my Love. (I've placed my new chair towards two white Aspen trees. My favorite trees, when the wind shakes their leaves, they dance and shine their silvery light) And all the while my children played in the dirt happily chatting away.

I am very blessed and more over than anything, I am blessed because I have a love that no one can take away. I can feel that love wherever I go. How perfect is He?! 🀩πŸ₯°

It's funny as I type this, curled up on the couch with coffee and a warm blanket, there is a mouse darting around the living room. He's been here for a few weeks now. At first, I was shocked to find him here and repulsed. Then worried. I began to fear the what ifs and thankfully my Love quickly showed me what I was doing. So I have the mouse situation to Him. He knows I don't have what I need to handle the situation so I wait on Him to show me the baby step to take.

I no longer lay in bed at night worried about the mouse coming close. Even though I can hear them scratching away in my closet by my head at night time. I know my Love will keep me safe and keep them from touching me 🀣 or my precious children. So how perfect, I can remain in His rest no matter what.

6 thoughts on “A beautiful yard of my own”

  1. Dear Rasa,
    It is so beautiful to read how you enjoy your garden and your children playing in it. I recognize it from my own life. I also love working in the garden and the children also love nature and animals. I also enjoy making the garden beautiful. It remains so wonderful to see how beautifully He has created everything and that we may enjoy it and find peace and relaxation in it.

    O LORD, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them all: The earth is full of thy riches. Psalm 104:24 https://www.bible.com/nl/bible/1/PSA.104.24.KJV

  2. There’s something so soothing about it all, isn’t there? I love to think on How He made it all for His glory and for us to enjoy!

  3. Dear Race, what a beautiful testimony, and I imagine the beauty of your garden, because you have your Husband at your side, guiding you, and every flower you have there is surely a gift from Him to you.
    May Our Beloved continue to give you so much blessing and may you rest watching and enjoying His works.

  4. Dear Rasa, thank you for sharing how our Beloved Lord gave you the desires of your heart! Having a beautiful garden is amazing and being in nature always makes me feel so close to my Beloved Lord, just admiring the works of His hands. There is something so soothing about being outside, working in the garden or just being in nature. Just yesterday me and the children were lying under a huge tree, it was extremely hot here in SA yesterday since we have summer now, but it was so relaxing, and I just felt so close to my Beloved.

  5. That sounds like an amazing day! It’s great that you were able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather with your children. The weather here is the same so I too like to enjoy it before it starts getting dark early and cold out. I’m glad you were able to see and be grateful for His blessings in your life even with that fast little mouse πŸ˜†

  6. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise report precious Rasa. I have always loved mountains and I also love winter, because I love the cold. But thank you for picturing us this beautiful picture of your garden and you still having summer. How wonderful that we have a Love that nobody can take away.
    I look forward to reading your testimony soon on how our Darling Lord got the mouse to move 🀣

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