โ Today's Promise: "...Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed and healed her by the washing of water with the Word, that He might present to Himself His bride in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless and whole." Ephesians 5:25-27
It began when I did the Restore Your Marriage courses about letting go of my church. For me personally it weren't a difficult decision at all, the problem is my former husband insisting the children go to Sunday School when it is my weekends with them. So to try and be submissive to his wishes, I am arranging with my Mother In Law to take them with her, she attends same church than my former husband:
I spend everyday with my Heavenly Husband, I talk to Him constantly. I listen to Erin's videos and sermons throughout the day while I work. I talk to my children more about their Heavenly Father, we read children's bible at bedtime and I ask them to pray, guiding them.
It came naturally, it weren't difficult at all, I am at home alone during the week when my children are at school, I am blessed to be able to do work at home during this time, so I listen to sermons and talk to Him whole time, or just switch everything off, work in silence while speaking to Him.
I've always enjoyed it, my Heavenly Husband placed a desire in my heart to just spend time with Him, listening to sermons etc. He placed a desire in my heart to want to listen and talk to Him.
Sundays is family time so normally we eat lunch with them. If I'm at home I do exactly the same as other days, reading the Bible, praying etc. If we are at family I still spend time with my Heavenly Husband in the morning and before bed. So it's a relief to not worry about missing church because I know I'll still have my time with my Heavenly Husband and not "miss out" on it.
Dear Bride, I know it sounds scary to give up your church, but its so worth it. You'll learn so much more, and you can study according to what you need that day. It's like having a date with Your Heavenly Husband. You can listen to the praise songs/love songs you feel like. You also don't have to feel uncomfortable about being in church alone or feel out of place.
~ Adina in South Africa
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