A God-fearing Woman

♕ Today's Promise: "But faithful is the Lord, who will strengthen you, and keep you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3

~ Kristine in the Netherlands

☊ PRAISE from Kristine

Hi Brides, I am very happy about what I would like to share with you. Our God is great. Only He can perform miracles. When we begin to learn at the beginning of our restoration journey with Him, who He is and what He wants to do and can do for us, it is awesome. And only with gratitude in my heart do I give Him the honor He deserves.

I have previously told you all that my mother, A God-fearing woman, who has been an example for me to pray and always go to God, had a psychosis attack several years ago. To this day, doctors don't know exactly what causes it. They have done many studies with my mother. But after each investigation, there was a result that could not answer anything concrete. I must confess that when it happened to my mother, I was at the deepest point in the crisis of my life and I was terribly afraid of losing my mother.

I thank God for leading me to RMI (Restore Ministries International). After I learned the principles and got deeper into the Word. I understood that everything that happened to my mother happened for the good of her but also for others around her. Our God the Father spared her life. And now the doctors have said that in the next 5 weeks they will reduce the medication to nothing. Gradually reduce. During this process they will monitor how things are going. If my mother can live without the medication. Without getting attacks.

But I know how it will go. It will go great. My mother has become even stronger spiritually (inwardly) in her faith. The enemy has tried to destroy her. But because she is an eternal bride of our Heavenly Husband, he protect her? And she enjoys a carefree life and protection. Because you know brides, all the years she's been under control and she's had to go from one doctor's appointment to another. He always foresaw that one of us (her children) would go with her.

In addition, my Heavenly Husband softened my eldest brother's heart to take my mother every week to the church service that my mother loves to attend. You would say .... that is normal .... no it is not quite because my brother does not believe in God. He doesn't believe he is made for heaven. Faith is something incomprehensible to him and not something you can build your life on. However, I believe that our Lord and my brothers who have been close all the time with what happened to my mother, will be saved by it and one day recognize that God is real. And that He is only too eager to be involved in their lives. In addition, He made sure that my brother takes my mother to many family visits.

It's amazing how our Heavenly Man who is also my mother's Husband has taken good care of her all these years. He is faithful to His promises. And now we are entering a new phase. A new year of total recovery in health and faith. Dear brides, with this praise report I want to encourage you. By saying that it doesn't matter what happens in your life or in the lives of the ones you love. God has everything under control. And everything that happens has a reason for the good of those who love Him. After every trial comes the blessings. Begin to thank God for all that is happening or has already happened. Our Lord is a loving Man. He will never, ever let us experience anything that would not be good for us. Even if it seems weird, painful or sad. Thank Him for everything because in the end He will be the one who will immerse our hearts and lives in His love ❤. He's the only one you need. With Him you have everything.

"But faithful is the Lord, who will strengthen you, and keep you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3

-when I go through a trial I can trust that He will always protect me.

"Thou hast no superhuman temptation to endure. And God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted beyond your ability, for with the temptation He will also provide the escape, that you may be able to withstand it." 1 Corinthians 10:13

-In my mother's situation, I learned that no matter what the enemy tries. Ultimately, when you put your trust in Him, He will lift you up and show others that He controls what happens and bears witness to His Glory.

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