“A Journey of Restoration: From Judgment to Love”

A Journey of Restoration: From Judgment to Love

"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.EPH.4.32

I continue my series on restoration. First, let me share a story. In July 2023, before arriving at RMI, my husband and I had hosted his nephew. My husband had found a job at a company, but unfortunately, he was addicted and lost. And I, with my Pharisee-like attitude, would lecture him every day.

One day, we discovered that he had stolen materials from a construction site to sell and fund his habit. I was overcome with anger. I thought to myself that he had no shame. We had hosted him, and this is how he repaid usβ€”by shaming us. So, I kicked him out, without a word, without a goodbye, and went on with my life.

But later, I found myself at RMI, broken and shattered. On February 1st, I went to a funeral with my husband, the other woman, and my children. There, I met this nephew. I embraced him and asked for his forgiveness. That’s when I remembered the devotional from February 1st.

My nephew needed to feel loved, especially not judged for his situation. His parents were divorced, and his world had collapsed quickly because of his bad company. We all judged him, myself included. But today, I know that, even though all eyes turned toward me and the other woman, I wasn’t there to attract attention. I was there because my beloved had orchestrated this moment so that my relationship with my nephew could be restored.

During my three years of being distant from my Lord, I destroyed several relationships around me. Today, I can see how my beloved is bringing back all those lost relationships, restoring them one by one.

I wanna share with you the devotional of the 1st February:

February 1

β€œBlessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Cor. 1:3–4).

Beloved, how often have you been in need of a kind word or a gentle touch? As you meet with the Lord daily, does He not soothe your pain with soothing words? Do you not feel His gentle embrace as you sit in His presence? Today, look for the souls who, too, hold pain, fear, and loneliness in their hearts as they struggle through another day.

Make it your assigned task to look for and seek out those who need a smile, a kind greeting, a gentle touch on their hand or shoulder. Is there someone who could use a word of thanks from tender, sincere lips?

Beloved, though your heart may be heavy, many you pass today may be carrying unbearable sorrow that you alone can relieve.

6 thoughts on ““A Journey of Restoration: From Judgment to Love””

  1. Dear Kateleen, thanks for sharing such a powerful testimony😊 I also destroyed relationships during my marriage crises and before that too, because I had this Pharisee-like attitude!
    Thanks for reminded me how my Beloved Husband changed me and how He keeps leading me to act with a quite and gentle spirit, something that I need to ask for His help in a daily basis, and He is always there for me πŸ™Œ

    1. Hello, Precious Paula! It’s so marvelous to see how He restores lost relationships. PTL!

  2. Thank you for sharing this encouraging testimony! Your testimony reminds me that it is love and compassion that draws us to repentance. I had to die (He helped me) to my pride and Pharisaic spirit that also destroyed relationships in my life, in order to give that kind of unconditional love. I love that you remind me that giving a hug, a sigh, and a kind gesture to others speaks well of my Heavenly Husband and leads them to Him more effectively than my sermons, which instead of bringing them closer, distanced them much further from Him.

    1. Hello, my dearest Anastasia! You know, I’ve discovered that sometimes a hug speaks louder than words like, β€œPlease forgive me, I’ve done this.” A simple hug is a true expression of love.

  3. Dear Kateleen thank you for sharing this. I also destroyed many relationships because of a Pharisee-spirit. Judging people instead of accepting then and showing them unconditional love that I received from my Beloved when I was lost. But I am grateful for this journey He took me on, I am grateful that He showed me myself and who I was. I am grateful that He took me on a forgiveness journey and taught me to see others through His eyes.

    1. Hello, my precious Adina! I think most of the ladies here have gone through this step on the road of the Pharisee, and today I give Him all the praise. We are here at RMI to understand the true value of restorationβ€”by Him and not by our own understanding.
      All PTL to him.

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