A Matter of Faith

"But in that same spirit of faith, and according to what is written: "I believed, and therefore I spoke," we also believe, and therefore we also speak ".2C413

Dear brides,
I have not yet seen the miracle but I know something is going to happen...
As I have said in other testimonies, I am expecting my third baby after having gone through a spontaneous abortion in 2023 which was not only a tremendous test of faith but also exposed all my weaknesses and miseries.
Praise be to Him who has brought me to this eighth month in excellent health, without annoying symptoms, without complications, or difficulties. He, my Beloved, as beautiful as He is, has blessed me and has always loved me giving me the desire of my heart to have this baby.
But the enemy does not stay still or give up. We were in such a long time of peace that from one moment to the next more things have been changing course and it seems that difficulties are pressing us from all sides.
In the last ultrasound, I heard a disturbing report. The doctor warned me of a situation contrary to everything He has told me (what I have kept in my heart and what I have clung to believe.)
I left the office clearly nervous, affected and I admit that my faith was attacked. It was a brief time between what I heard from "the word of man" vs. what He says. Naturally, I wanted to cry, deny, question and complain. But fortunately, He has been preparing me. Just 2 days before, I had read chapter 2 of Supernatural Birth entitled Who Said? And spending just a few seconds in a public bathroom, I prayed and was able to tell Him how I felt, all my fears and I broke down (and I still do) thinking that it is a matter of faith, of believing, of maintaining the unity of the mind and of holding on to His Promises even though the world falls apart around me.
We have all gone through that path between believing and doubting, between embracing His Promises and wanting to give up, between the desire to stand firm and from one moment to the next giving in. But His Faithfulness is great, incomparable and majestic.
Knowing my weaknesses, my fears, my feelings; He embraced me. I could only think, Who said "he" or He ?
At one point I thought He wasn't talking to me, that He was silent, that maybe there was nothing else... But almost immediately those verses that have made a place in my mind began to come to my mind, they were His voice... πŸ₯Ή They have been my sustenance, my support, my way of seeing things. I have needed to repeat them, reread them, think about them over and over again and silence those contrary voices in my head. I have needed to review my journals, recent lessons, my notes, my highlighted verses... All that time invested has not been in vain, all those Words that have surprised me, that I have scratched, marked or rewritten in my Promises agenda have been my Sword.
What will happen? Only He knows. But I know that He has the last word, that I am not alone, that He is with me, that He has not let me go nor will He ever let me go. But it is my calling to speak as I have believed and to trust.

Beloved friends
Whatever they say, whatever happens, whatever comes, it is time to hold on to His Truth and His Will. His planes are of welfare and not of calamity. His thoughts are higher than ours. He will and can bless us. He will go before and make the crooked places smooth; He will break in pieces the gates of brass and the bars of iron, He will deliver hidden treasures β™₯️ and He will make known the hidden secrets. He equips us for battle. He creates light and darkness; He makes peace and creates adversity. He can do that and more.

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