All I Want is to Be Heard

Let me begin by saying I'm an active RMIEW Minister on the Ministry Team and am now the Afrikaans minister. Today I want to submit a praise about how God is working in my life and the lives of my family.

Dearest Lord, I praise Your name. You are absolutely amazing!!!

I know you will agree, but let me start at the beginning so you will understand why I am writing this praise report.

I have always liked music very much and even growing up my mother always had the radio on listening to songs. So this week I was listening to a worship song with the lyrics "The last thing I need is to be heard" and then there is a worldly song (for loss of a better word) I remember saying "All I want is to be heard". And it made me think how different the two is and how I was all about "being heard" these past few months.

It is almost a year ago now that I was approached by one of our bosses at work to come and assist there after her secretary took a transfer. In the beginning, it was just some things here and there and now it has escalated to a degree that my whole job description has changed!

I am kept so busy that I have time for little else and I am left exhausted in the evenings. So, I kept crying out to the Lord and telling Him that this cannot be from Him. He does not allow this busyness. Yes, you read it, I told the Lord this is not from Him. As if I know anything! All I wanted to do is for the Lord to hear me and I never stopped to hear what He was actually saying to me...

But, praise the Lord, I finally got it! He showed me the way, but only after I admitted this: But I know the Lord will turn what was meant to harm as a wonderful blessing:) Thank You, Lord!!! He was protecting me all along and I was too busy trying to be heard to realize this.

Since He showed me this, I have not been less busy but I do not feel exhausted anymore and I would have gone away from home for almost ten days for work and this would have increased my workload which He absolutely took care of. No more going away:)

I would like to finish with this. Today, He put the icing on the cake for me. We had to prepare for a meeting which would have taken a huge chunk out of my already very full day. A few minutes after I arrived at work, the secretary came around and said the meeting is off. Myself and the person that was standing next to me exclaimed at the same time: "Praise the Lord" LOL

I keep on saying that I am so thankful for all the big things my Lord does for me but it is the fact that He takes the time to do the little things that absolutely amazes me.

Psalm 46:10 (ESV): "Be still and know that I am God..."

He is God so, me, being busy may or may not be from Him but in the end, He let it happen for a reason and for me it is not to reason why. Because:

Romans 8:28 (KJV): "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to the who are called according to his purpose"

~Yvonne in Botswana

Do you want to PRAISE Him for how He's shown you howΒ He's protected you without knowing it?

Remember, Matthew 7:13-14 tells us to β€œEnter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.”

And Psalm 100:4 tells us HOW to Enterβ€” β€œEnter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.”

Be sure to submit a Praise Report today and enter through that narrow gate few ever find!