All things work together for good

"--- but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" ‭Joshua 24:15

My dear ladies,

Today I want to share a testimony of praise that the love of my Beloved Husband has shown me and that shows me that his Love never ceases to be and that he cares a lot about what I am feeling, these have been difficult weeks for me and my family since in In recent days we have received painful news regarding the health of my mother, who has been attacked by a catastrophic illness.

I have to confess that it has been a very hard blow in itself for my entire family, in my case it was very devastating, I spent several days in tears and very strong brokenness, I am sure that it has been the strongest brokenness I have ever experienced, and in Those days with my sister we decided to pray for each other so that our hands would be raised, to encourage my mother, it really was something very strong.

It was in the midst of that brokenness that my Beloved showed me that even though I preferred to continue crying, He let me see Him through His Word and through moments in which He made me feel His Presence, His comfort was immediate.

And I want to share with you because, although the trials in this world can be strong and devastating on many occasions, His Love never ceases to be, and He showed me that if it were not for His Love, simply in this stretch I would not have been able to get up, let myself dry. tears through His hands and smile into the future as His Beloved Bride.

The first thing that began to give me in my brokenness was the need to give my sacrifice of praise, in this key moment, I only focused on seeking Him with tears and letting Him speak to me with HIS Word, my dear ones, it did not take long, my Husband came showing me with Jonah 2 making me understand that he understood my brokenness, but he particularly caught my attention when he led me to focus on faith, and the sacrifice of praise in the next part:

 "When my soul fainted within me I remembered the Lord: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple.  They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.  But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the LordAnd the Lord spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land." Jonah 2:7-9 

I realized that My Beloved not only showed me that he understood the pain I was experiencing, but he gave me his strategy, he raised my faith by declaring the goodness of the Lord, I loved his tenderness, because I felt exactly like that, trapped at the bottom. of a fish, I felt my soul faint... But it encouraged me to remember and embrace who He was, I have Him, my mother has Him and it led me rather to praise Him because this brokenness I know has a good purpose , I base myself on His Word: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

The sacrifice of praise was vital, I remembered what was studied at the time in the book of the Prison to Praise. My Beloveds, it led me to see this trial as an opportunity to work on myself and my family, especially on my mother; It reminded me of the times I prayed for her, for the healing of her heart and the salvation of her soul; You will believe that my mother in the midst of this brokenness told me that she wants what I have, referring to my Heavenly Husband, at that moment I knew that this illness has a purpose; and reminded me that as the Salvation Stories series encourages us, let us not stop believing and praying, "...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15

6 thoughts on “All things work together for good”

  1. Thank is very encouraging. I also pray for my mom to have her heart changed, and to come to know Him as I have come to know Him. May the Father of all comforts, comfort you all.
    thank you for the testimonial.
    Greater things are yet to come
    Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12

  2. 20-Y he aquí una mujer enferma de flujo de sangre, desde hacía doce años, se le acercó por detrás y tocó el borde de su manto; 21 porque decía dentro de sí: Si solamente tocare su manto, seré sanada. 22 Mas Jesús, volviéndose y mirándola, dijo: Ten ánimo, hija, tu fe te ha sanado.
    mateo 9:20-222

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Perla and opening your heart. I remember when my dad suddenly had a stroke last November and how I cried but a beautiful testimony came out of it ( ), because that is just who our Darling Lord is, He turns everything around for the good.

    I am praying for your mother’s healing – “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.” 1P2:24

    And I believe your precious mother is too going to have what you have with your Heavenly Husband and soon you will come and share the beautiful testimony with us.

    “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” P1:6

  4. So true my swret Perla. Praise and worship focus us our minds on who He is and what He will can do, this life has seasons, and is in those shaterred seasons in which we truly know how much we are deeply loved and that we are never alone. I will be praying for you and your family, remember He is always in control and nothing escapes from His loving hands ♥️😊

  5. Wonderful!! I am praising Him with you, that He showed you such a precious truth and lifted up your head. psalms 3:3
    But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.

  6. Dear Perla, we can be sure that He is interested in every area or part of our being, He knows your heart and what afflicts or oppresses it better than anyone else, and I am so glad that your Faith is so strong and cemented in a strong rock so that this situation, instead of collapsing, affirms, because that is what my precious pearl will bring, it will bring anointing, it will bring grace, it will bring power, it will bring firmness (conviction and constancy of FAITH) to you, to your beautiful mother and to the whole family.
    I join in your praise, and I praise Him not for the darkness of the test but for that glorious light that He will make shine when this whole situation works for good.
    The ways in which our beloved acts are mysterious, but full of His love, we are sure that He is in control.
    And I agree with you, all things work for good to those who love Him, those who were called according to His purposes. (Romans 8:28)
    My prayers that the Father’s will be fulfilled in the health of your mother 🙏

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