Amazed with His love and care

โ€œBut let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.โ€ 1Peter 3:4.

Hello beautiful brides

I am so so grateful and filled with hope and love today.
The past week, I had a trial hit, but I was able to remember what He's been teaching me, and riding the waves of adversity. Praising Him through it and for it and then was off for a couple days. My flesh is weak but my spirit is willing, and I knew that soon I would be back to where He wanted me to be! And yesterday was that day!

I woke up with such joy and peace. Filled, full. Abundantly. Really truly praising Him for the trial now.

And today, I was sitting in the sun talking about all these principles with a friend and my teenage son came up and started sharing, yes, HE started sharing with ME what he was doing. He was going to hang out with a girl and he wanted her to meet me but she was scared.

I stayed gentle and quiet and then an hour later he actually sent me a picture of the two of them together.

For some, that may not be a big deal, but to me it's HUGE. We have been far from each other physically and every other way for years and years.

So for one of my children to send me this was huge. He asked what I thought and I said she's very pretty young woman, ask God to reveal if she has a pretty heart ๐Ÿ’œ

But I want to stay gentle and kind in my spirit and quiet. I am so excited for what He's doing. I'm also seeing prayers be answered for the women my Love has been bringing into my life! It's very exciting.

Have a blessed day everyone.

4 thoughts on “Amazed with His love and care”

  1. This is so amazing!! Our Beloved loves to restore everything in our lives!! His principles are the best! They are not always easy to apply but when we do we can attest to the huge blessings!! The Lord is teaching us, molding us and showing us what real love is!
    I also read somewhere that we cannot protect our children from their own testimonies and that really changed my motherhood towards my daughters! They are building their testimonies to share with others and the Lord is becoming real in their lives, and for that to continue we must pray and let go!

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Rasa, it so wonderful how our Darling Lord brings restoration between us and our children and how He is the One to help us be gentle and kind because apart from Him I really can’t do anything.

  3. que bonito es nuestro amado, cuando tratamos de andar en los principios de nuestro seรฑor y aplicarlos en todas las relaciones nuestro amado nos bendice.
    Al leer esto recuerdo que hace un par de dรญas, le escribรญ por wasapp a mi hija mayor (tiene ,25 aรฑos) solicitando un favor, y ella me pudo una nota de voz explicando algo, pero al yo escucharla no me gustaron, pero mi telรฉfono no registra la lectura de los mensajes u mi hija pensรฉ que no lo habรญa escuchado u lo borro.
    y esta vez respondiรณ escribiendo ” esta bien lo harรฉ.”
    Entendรญ que ella se retracto de su mala respuesta, pero esto ocurriรณ porque al yo escuchar la nota de voz le dije a mi amado que esto me entristeciรณ y no conteste la nota de voz, ni enojada ni otro mal sentimientos, solo la deje. y hablรฉ con mi amado, cosa que debรญ hacer desde un principio ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–

    How beautiful our loved one is, when we try to walk in the principles of our Lord and apply them in all relationships our loved one blesses us.
    When reading this I remember that a couple of days ago, I wrote to my eldest daughter (she is 25 years old) via WhatsApp asking for a favor, and she gave me a voice note explaining something, but when I heard it I didn’t like it, but my The phone does not register the reading of the messages and my daughter thought she had not heard it and deleted it.
    and this time she responded by writing “okay I’ll do it.”
    I understood that she retracted her bad response, but this happened because when I heard the voice note I told my loved one that this made me sad and I did not answer the voice note, neither angry nor with any other bad feelings, I just left it. and I talked to my loved one, something I should have done from the beginning ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–

  4. Thank you for sharing how your Beloved is restoring your relationship with your children and what He is doing in your life. It is always amazing to read how He changes lives when we make Him our First Love and trust Him with everything.

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