Anxiety free

He is the one who forgives all your iniquities, the one who heals all your diseases;' P1033

This is a praise of gratitude to my Beloved Lord, that I owed Him and that He reminded me of it. At 3 different times in my life, I had panic attacks, it was horrible because I couldn't breathe, it was a state I had at night, and suddenly. The first time, it happened when I finished school, the second time, after I got married and the last time, about 9 years ago. This last time, I was medicated for a year with antidepressants.

These crises were due to situations that caused me a lot of stress, and I didn't know how to handle it.
This week my Beloved reminded me of this, something I had forgotten, and reminded me to tell myself that despite all this Journey, I have never had these crises again, and honestly, nothing has been stronger than this. You
I owed this praise to the Lord to thank Him for taking care of me, for healing me and for taking care of my health.
If you are or were also medicated, I invite you to read Medicated or Healthy. He cures all our diseases.

Él es quien perdona todas tus iniquidades, el que sana todas tus dolencias;' Salmo 103:3

Esta es una alabanza de agradecimiento a mi Amado Dios, que le debía y que Él me lo recordó. En 3 momentos diferentes de mi vida, tuve ataques de pánico, era horrible porque no podía respirar, era un estado que tenía en las noches, y de repente. La primera vez, sucedió cuando terminé la escuela, la segunda vez, después de casarme y la última vez, hace aproximadamente 9 años. Esta última vez, estuve medicada durante un año con antidepresivos.
Estas crisis se debieron a situaciones que me causaban mucho estrés, y no sabía cómo manejarlo.

Esta semana mi Amado me recordó esto, algo que yo había olvidado, y me recordó que me dijera que a pesar de todo este Camino, nunca más he tenido estas crisis, y honestamente, nada ha sido más fuerte que esto. Le
debía esta alabanza al Señor para agradecerle por cuidarme, por sanarme y por estar pendiente de mi salud.
Si tú también estás o estuviste medicada, te invito a leer Medicada o Sana. Él cura todas nuestras enfermedades.

3 thoughts on “Anxiety free”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Liza, there is no healing like our Darling Lord’s healing! I was also on anti depressants and I am so grateful our Darling Lord freed me from all those pills and that He healed me with His love.

  2. I’m glad to hear that He has helped you overcome panic attacks. It is a reminder that even in the midst of difficult times, we can find hope and healing through faith and trust in God.

  3. Wow Liza it is so amazing to read your testimony. He has healed us from so many things and something I think when we look back and ask Him to show us, we will see even more things that we never noticed before that He has healed us from physically and emotionally.

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