Beautiful testimonies

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Revelation 12:11

Hello beautiful brides

I have been reading the testimony books, I am on book 5 now. During each testimony I can relate so much to the pain and turmoil expressed. Regrets. And how beautiful and precious are the hearts and lives our Beloved turns!!

I want to shout it from the roof tops, that our precious Love saves. He makes all things new. He lights the paths and makes our ways straight. He gives us new desires and gives us beautiful fruits.

He makes us a beacon of light and hope to others. He uses us to shine hope and point others towards the most precious treasure.

I've always heard that one must be first so in love with Christ that a man must have to seek Him to find her.

But I never knew the depth of that. How deep we could go into our Love. He's endless. There are no bounds or limits to how hidden in His love we can be.

I pray for each and every person in these Testimonies and for each of you that is a part of this precious ministry.

Please pray for me as I continue to have Finding the Abundant Life group at my home, that He would continue to bring women into my life that are seeking His truths and freedom.

Thank you all so much!! Blessings and peace πŸ•ŠοΈ

4 thoughts on “Beautiful testimonies”

  1. Thank you for sharing Rasa. These testimonies are very powerful. They were what kept me motivated to not give up while waiting for my marriage to be restored. Each testimony shows that when we put Him first in our hearts, things begin to change.

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Rasa our Darling is really saves and His love is really endless. I get sad if I just think of the times that a earthly man’s love meant more to me, because now I know it can’t compare to our Darling Lord’s love.

  3. Sweet Rasa, I remembered how many times I prayed to understand His deep love for me!! He loves us so much, He is making us a new person, that irradiates His light to others. His live surpases everything we know, I am oraying for you and your groupβ™₯️
    You are becoming His hands and feet in this world

  4. Thank you, Rasa, it is not easy to understand exactly how much our Beloved loves us, we can just open our hearts and accept His love and it is an amazing gift and blessing. His love for us drives out fear, heals us and changes us in ways we cannot understand.

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