
"Wait for theΒ Lord;Β Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for theΒ Lord." Psalm 27:14

Over a year ago my family sold a piece of our property and it was listed for 3 days and sold at almost full asking price plus the buyer requested another part with an extra bonus. At this time we listed 2 pieces of land to sell. Assuming the second would go as quickly as the first. After one year and over 10 showings we never received even a call back.

A month ago my father and I were speaking about God's promises and rejoicing in all th ings. And that means we even rejoice about the land having 10 views and no offers. The NEXT day our realtor called and said we having a showing, the first in 6 months and off season. Than she called an hour or so later saying oh we have 2 showings. This has happened before with no interest. So again we rejoiced and said Lord we don't know what you're going to do. A gentleman offered full asking price the day of the showing. AND he wanted to close in a month. He has been seeking a place like ours for 3 years and flown all over the country. His wife is just as eager to have this piece of land. I shared the concept of "they don't have it" with my dad. He loved it. Either we didn't have what the other buyers were seeking and no matter how we changed things on the listing it would never be the "right" thing. But to this couple the land was very much what they were seeking.

This land purchase has already blessed our neighbors who this man will employ to help make this place his home.

We did not seek out these buyers they sought us. We did not change anything to become more alluring on the listing. We let go and prayed that Lord please let this land sell to whom He wish to be here.

We did not strive, my dad is in awe of our God and speaks of Him every other sentence. Our Beloved Lord is so awesome and His heart is so much for our good. Waiting on Him allowed for the right owner to take over this piece of our ranch.

6 thoughts on “Bidding”

  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise Annabeth. This praise of yours just reminded me again, that it is His timing and nor ours. I loved that you shared about
    you know it is one of my favourite lessons.
    For those of you that is reading this and needs healing, I also found the He healed me, they don’t have it lesson very helpful.

  2. Annabeth, gracias por tu testimonio. Me confirma, que no debo apresurarme, que todo sera al tiempo del SeΓ±or y que El obrara . La espera es el tiempo de acercarnos a El, y descansar sabiendo que ya Nuestro SeΓ±or tiene todo el control.
    Annabeth, thank you for your testimony. It confirms to me that I should not rush, that everything will be in the Lord’s time and that He will work. Waiting is the time to get closer to Him, and rest knowing that Our Lord now has all control.

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Annabeth, your testimony is so beautiful and I love it when my Darling speaks to me through others testimonies like yours now. I know I have to be grateful in all circumstances, because I want to move and haven’t received the go ahead from my Darling Lord, because I know now He wants me to be grateful just where I am and that is what I am going to do.

  4. oh wow thank you for sharing this with us! what an incredible testimony of letting go, praising Him when things aren’t going the way we thought they would and trusting Him in all things. thank you this spoke to me loudly this morning πŸ™

  5. Dear Annabeth thank you for sharing this testimony of our Beloved Lord’s goodness. I have also learned that there is so much power, freedom and peace in letting go and trusting that our Beloved has everything under control and that nothing is impossible with Him. Also to wait and to praise Him in everything.

  6. Annabeth, I love this ❀ reminder that trusting in our Lord’s timing and plan can lead to unexpected blessings. Your faith to let go and give it to Him allowed for the right buyer to appear at the perfect moment and your father’s joy in sharing His goodness is so great.

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