Burden Lifted

Submitted by: Sabrina in Texas; I’m Divorced, and my husband has remarried; I’ve taken or am currently taking the Renewing Your Mind Course.

β€œBurden Lifted!”

It was December and my plan was to complete the first Rebuilder’s course. I was in a good place and excited about the next step in my journey. Man plans and GOD laughs.

β€œThere are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” Proverbs 19:21

By mid December I confess that I found myself struggling with my thoughts. I was at a loss. Then my praise report was returned and all I could do was talk to my Heavenly FATHER whom I realized I had not allowed to take His place as my HEAVENLY HUSBAND. Praise the LORD for those Aha moments! I gave it all to GOD. All of my shortcomings, my faults, my flaws, my sins, my desires, my mistakes, my FH, my failed marriage, my good, and my bad. β€œDidn't you do this before and nothing changed,” said the enemy.

β€œAnd the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.” Luke 22:31

I did and I praise the LORD for the Encouragers because I know others have traveled on the same path and their lives are forever changed. This is a process that doesn't happen overnight. So I prayed and I fasted. I got into HIS word like never before. I was and am determined not to give up. GOD is a great and awesome GOD. I am so thankful that HIS ways are not my ways.

β€œFor My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8

After the first day of my fast I felt different. My trust in HIM grew. By the end of my fast my desire for HIM increased. I had to die to self and I am ready to live in HIM. The burden I carried of my failure as a wife and all of the mistakes I have made in my lifetime were gone. I felt lighter. I felt HIS peace.

β€œFor My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:30

And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.” Revelation 21:5 β€œ

Praise GOD for His loving kindness and forgiveness. Whenever my mind gets off track I take that thought captive. I decided to go through the Renewing Your Mind Course again because I want to be sure I am ready for the next level.

I want to praise GOD for you ladies also. GOD gives us subtle reminders through the Encourager and the praise reports. Thank you Erin and RMI Sisters for keeping my spirit lifted. Praise the LORD for being in His rightful place as my Heavenly HUSBAND. I am experiencing that side of the list that Erin wanted us to write (life if restoration didn't happen). Honestly, I am enjoying it. From time to time I think of my FH, but I quickly get rid of that thought because the past is behind me. I have finally found peace being single in the natural and married in the spirit with MY LORD. PTL!

~Sabrina in Texas

β€œMr. God”

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