Claiming my Ground!

β€œHe must become greater; I must become less.” J330

I just want to shout in praise and worship to my Beloved, for all the amazing blessings He is pouring in my life!!!

This season in my life has been emotionally hard, itΒ΄s been a season of dependence and dying to self like no other! My family begun this journey a year and half ago when we move in a new town and the Lord took everything that we clung to as safety nets! As we began to lose little by little what we thought was our security and provision, I saw how these very things were setting us apart from Him!

Now amid this season, my whole family has transformed into prayer, reading the Bible together and expecting our "daily bread"! Yes, He is our sole Provider for everything and has risen my family to new levels of faith and miracles! We decreased but by doing that He has most definitively increased in our lives! It’s All About the Heart!

Today I am claiming my spiritual inheritance as well as my "abundant life package"!! We all have this amazing package waiting for us, is like when you receive a welcome package in your new job, but this one is eternal! The "abundant life package" that our Beloved longs to give, contains faith, love, His spirit, wisdom, endurance, peace, and joy! I claim that package for my family and we have been so blessed by it!!

As His brides we have His Holy Spirit living inside us and we need to activate it and walk by faith, and teach that to our children!

This week He has overwhelmed us with blessings such as costa rican traditional games for my daughters, (a desire of my heart, so they can exercise and not spend time with the TV), books to read for the children, (we are developing a "quiet time" in the afternoons by reading together in the living room, each one with a book), color pencils for our craft corner, our Beloved gave me hymns for each one of my daughters so they understand how much He loves them, a new dog, (an Australian shepherd that the twins wanted for a while, she was an unwanted dog, now she has a family), milk and cookies afternoons to talk about our days, money to buy healthy treats, I learned to make homemade pizza!! And my exercise supplies, elastic bands, and a mat for my exercising journey!

I am beyond excited to see how He continues to open seas, rivers, mountains, and storms for us and our children! Hope is trusting in the absolute sovereignty of our Heavenly Husband over our lives. Hope is not natural for us. It is something that we must fight, struggle, and wrestle with everyday. It is not just that we desire for good things to happen to us. It is the confident expectation that God is working to make those things happenβ€”even if the outcome looks different than what we imagined.

God doesn’t want to live in fear. He wants us to walk in confidence that no matter what we face, what trial comes our way, we are not alone and we need not fear.

Remember, it’s all about the heart. He must increase and we must decrease!

"He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less." J330 NLT

12 thoughts on “Claiming my Ground!”

  1. Merci a toi isabelle je viens de lire ton Γ©loge vraiment je rends grΓ’ce Γ  DIEU pour ce qu’il fait dans ta vie actuellement .
    Quand je regarde à mes trois garçons , je me suis dis Seigneur maintenant que mon EH est partit il me faut ton aide comme le père de mes garçons je ne saurais pas les gérer sans toi.
    Merci car vraiment tu me donnes idΓ©es aussi a faire avec mon bout de chou.

    Thank you Isabelle I just read your eulogy I really give thanks to GOD for what he is doing in your life right now.
    When I look at my three boys, I said to myself Lord now that my EH is gone I need your help as the father of my boys I would not know how to manage them without you.
    Thank you because you really give me ideas also to do with my little one.

    1. You are doing a great job mama! Keep going, you hav1 the maker of heaven and earth by your side β™₯️✨the best Father in the whole world. Run to Him for everything, He loves the sound of your voice and He will direct each step of the way.
      Remember the amazing we have for families here at homegrown:

  2. Isabella thank you so much for sharing this because it truly is such a great reminder that we must decrease and He must increase! Your testimony is also inspiring to me because we just moved cross country and gave up everything to move. We are rebuilding little by little, but I have had a change in heart of what is truly important for a household. I am more focused on Him showing up in my home. My family too, has been blessed with many books and I have had the ability to exercise and take care of my body again. Our HH is so wonderful to provide for our families and to show us a different way of living!

    1. Yes He is. My dear He is showing what is really important and that everything we do for Him is holy work! Wiping noses, changing diapers, cooking, homeschooling, I mean every single detail of our lives matters to Him! He is showing His abundant life and helping us to be humble and fully dependant on Him❀️
      We are choosing Him and He will gives true peace and understanding to enjoy what we have❀️β™₯οΈπŸ™

      β€œBlessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her.” Luke 1:45

  3. Thank you for sharing dear Isabella, it reminds me that He is the one who matters, we allow ourselves to be molded, He knows what we need and surely it is beyond what we would like, but in the midst of the death of our carnal desires, is where we find that we have the ability through Him to increase in spiritual riches. He is in control and with each new trial, He teaches us that fear is not an option, it should only serve as fuel to increase that faith and hope, which as you say, is not something we naturally cultivate in comfort.

    1. β€œTrust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)
      My dear Perla, our journeys are so unique that we must always seek Him! We must start to be more intentional in our walk with Our Heavenly Husband, He has so many blessings in store for us!

  4. How wonderful what He is doing in your lives and in your hearts!! thank you for sharing it’s so encouraging. Psalm 37:4
    Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

    1. Yes, my sweet Rasa, if we learn to lean only in Him our lives are changed forever and have new meaning and purpose, there is nothing too small for Him or huge, He just wants our hearts and minds devoted to Him! 🧑

  5. Wow this is such a beautiful praise report, thank you for sharing your testimony precious Isabella. This is so special that you also got a new dog and the provision from our Darling Lord, He is really the best ever Provider.

    I love what our Darling Lord does, I asked Him to please remind me what He has done for me in the past and when I read your testimony now, my Darling reminded me when I was in high school and we had a German Shepard dog. He got very sick with parvo (it is a disease that dogs get and they die because of it) and I had asked the Lord to please heal our dog. Our Darling Lord did and our dog got to live a very long life. My Darling Lord answered my prayer.

    1. Yes, He does my dear Janine!! He loves our prayers and loves that we talk to Him about everything!! He is literally a prayer away and wants to bless us beyond our dreams!
      As we abide in Our Heavenly Husband, renewing our minds with truth, letting Him align our hearts, and submitting to who He is, we are strengthened to die to our fleshly desires and let His love live through us!
      Is the best choice we can make!!

  6. Dear Isabella thank you for sharing this beautiful praise. We want to cling to worldly things as security, but it is a false sense of security, and when we lose it, we get to a place where we have to depend on our Beloved and start to find our security in Him.

    My favorite verses that helped me through the times that I wanted to worry about losing my worldly security is:

    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, β€œplans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”;NASB;NKJV;NLV

    “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[?”;NASB;NKJV;NLV

    1. β€œFor my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8
      I am choosing Him every day. I am putting my grumbling heart aside and refocusing on the Lord and His ways!
      Trusting that His plans are better and bring life, no matter what I feel or see!!

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