Coffee Chat: My Plans VS The Lord’s Plans

It was all part of my Darling's plan that I read Living Lesson 59: "Could This Be War" before doing the podcast because read these beautiful promises dat my Darling gave me at the right time:

β€œDo not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today..." E14:13

β€œYou need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf . . . Do not fear or be dismayed . . . the Lord is with you.” 2C20:17

β€œAnd we know that God causes all things to work together for GOOD to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” R8:28

Please join me for a coffee chat and you are going to want to listen to this coffee chat because I have a few testimonies to share.

10 thoughts on “Coffee Chat: My Plans VS The Lord’s Plans”

  1. Γ‰l lo ha hecho tantas veces en mi vida, usando todo para bien.

    He has done it so many times in my life, using everything for good.

    1. Dear precious Eli, He is really the best ever!

      Querida preciosa Eli, ‘Él es realmente el mejor de todos!

  2. Janine I am completely in awe with everything you shared! We might not always see His plans for us in things we go through, but He knows, and He is not surprised when we face various trail. We can rest in the fact that He is in control, and if we lay down our will for His, and trust His plans for us, everything will work out for good.

    1. Yes precious Adina we can really rest in the fact that He is in control and He really knows what is best for us.

  3. Lieve Janine,
    Ik ben zo verwonderd over al de getuigenissen die je deelt in dit koffiegesprek.
    O Heere hoe groot zijn Uw werken! Zeer diep zijn Uw gedachten. Psalm 92:6
    Als we Hem ons leven laten leiden zien we wonderlijke dingen gebeuren.

    Toen mijn EM net uit ons huis vertrokken was, had ik ook heel strek het gevoel dat ik moest verhuizen, ik wilde weg van alles en terug naar provincie waar ik vandaag kwam. Wat had ik hier nog te zoeken?Het leven was moeilijk in mijn huidige woonplaats omdat er veel over mij en mijn EM gesproken werd. Toen ik het vertelde tegen mijn kinderen, kwamen ze in opstand en kwam er veel onrust in mijn gezin. Toen besefte ik me dat ik zelf plannen aan het bedenken was zonder God er voor te zoeken. Ik wilde vluchten van alles, maar God hield me tegen en ik leerde dat ik alleen naar een andere woonplaats moet gaan als Hij het wil en mij de weg wijst Nu ervaar ik zo’n rijke zegen om nog steeds op de zelfde plek te wonen. Alleen als Hij mij roept om te gaan, zal ik gaan naar de plaats die Hij mij wijst.
    Dear Janine,
    I am so amazed at all the testimonies you share in this coffee conversation.
    O Lord, how great are Your works! Your thoughts are very deep. Psalm 92:6
    When we let Him lead our lives we see wonderful things happen.

    When my EH had just left our house, I also had the strong feeling that I had to move, I wanted to get away from everything and back to the province where I came today. What was my purpose here? Life was difficult in my current place of residence because there was a lot of talk about me and my EH. When I told my children, they rebelled and there was a lot of unrest in my family. Then I realized that I was making plans on my own without seeking God for them. I wanted to run away from everything, but God stopped me and I learned that I should only go to another place if He wants it and shows me the way. Now I experience such a rich blessing to still live in the same place. Only when He calls me to go will I go to the place He shows me.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Hanna, I also tried so many of my own plans. I am so grateful that our Darling Lord is so patient with us and teach us that His will for us is the best.

  4. Dear Janine, if the plan I had made for my life had come true, I would now be traveling and evangelizing together with my earthly husband and children. Bringing good news to everyone about Him who loves obs so much. Sometimes I still get sad when I see whole families singing and praying together. However, I now know that He makes everything work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose. In addition, I can still bring the good news together with my children because now I have the Best Man next to me who will prosper me in everything. And above all, I have been given eternal life without sorrow, sorrow, and pain. He has made my plans even more beautiful because He knows what thoughts He cherishes about me, which are higher than mine😍.

    1. I would also always get sad dear Kristine, but more more my Darling is helping me to let go of the plans how I thought my life should be and I never ever thought I would say this but I am seeing now His plans for me are much much beter than my plans. And dear Kristine it is awesome that you still can give the good news with your children beside you and of course the Best Man ever beside you. And my Darling reminded me now of this promise dear Kristine:

      “Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back forever” P1:15

  5. Dearest Janine l enjoyed listening so much!! You made ne fall in love with Him all over again by sharing how amazing HE is😍 Thank you forhe Scriptures you shared l want to copy them to my phone to meditate on for my family too πŸ’–πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—

    1. Thank you dear Atarah, I am at awe what He is doing, our Darling Lord is really so wonderful.

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