♕ Today's Promise: "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us". Ephesians 3:20
I have to Praise my Heavenly Husband right now!! He has blessed my family without any type of warning! Suddenly!
Let me start off by saying that not only was our finances a big mess but our credit rating and score as well. I gave up my dream of us ever being able to EVER own our own home and over the last couple of years we always just rented because we knew how bad our credit is and there was no way we could ever buy a house.
I even remember thinking when Heavenly Husband restored our marriage... just before we got married for the 2nd time that maybe I should speak to earthly husband about us having an ante nuptial contract because I have an admin order against me in court so it affects not just my credit but my earthly husbands too... In the end though I did not discuss it with my earthly husband as I did not feel led, there was no delays and we got re-married.
Well I am beyond amazed! Completely awestruck at what my Heavenly Husband has done!!
This morning my earthly husband woke me by saying that he had something to tell me. He told me he had just randomly applied for a loan from his bank as it was a easy process he could just do it on his phone and he got a reply to say the loan was approved and that the money would be in his bank account in a 24 hours. We both were a bit unbelieving and said let's see because we didn't believe that it actually got approved. I just spoke to Heavenly Husband telling him about it and left it with Him telling Him.
Well a couple of hours later he phones back to say the money is in his account!! Just like that! Only my Heavenly Husband could orchestrate something like this. I have prayed over the years telling Him about the sorry state of our credit especially mine and told Him only He would have to sort out the mess because I couldn't... and He has done it!! He has sorted out the mess!! Without us having to do a single thing! I'm so thankful because now we have the opportunity to build up our credit rating and one day own our own house instead of paying rent to a Landlord.
I'm thankful because He used it for our good because we are more aware of and thankful for the opportunity HE has given us through the approval of this loan to one day own our own home 🙂
I have just completed my Living the Abundant life course and about to start Poverty Mentality and although I have read the first 3 chapters I am now ready to start journaling and my mind is just blown because I haven't even started!!
Our Heavenly Husband is just amazing and He truly DOES the IMPOSSIBLE! This was an impossible situation for me because I always thought that my bad credit score and having an admin order against me and the fact that we are married in community of property would mean that not even my earthly husband would ever get credit. Once again he has exceeded my expectations by doing something I could never even think or dream or believe!
I'm just so in awe and I needed to immediately write this Praise Report because my heart is so full and bursting with Praise!!
I started my journey in 2012 and I have seen with my own natural eyes how my Heavenly Husband has restored so many areas of my life. My marriage, our finances, relationships, healing, I could probably write a book...
It's so funny because I have been asking Him about what He wants me to write in my Praise Report and I has a few ideas... and then He just goes and blows my mind!!
Thank you my dear and precious Heavenly Husband you never stop ceasing to amaze me. The blessing don't stop they are continuous and I am so happy to be your Bride you are the best Husband, the kindest, generous, caring, thoughtful, you are so good to me. Thank you for showering me with so many blessings!!
~ Atarah in South Africa
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