Counseling and Psychology Coundn’t Help Me

"And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." I9:6

I have to admit I went to so many Christian Councilors, Pastors, Phycologists and even a Councilor at my work place. Talking and talking and talking, and each one giving different advice, with off course no healing included, because they couldn't heal me. "Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues." P17:28

I was walking with so much hurt inside me, just looking for somebody to take away all the pain I had inside me. Not one of them could help me, and by the way if they could help me, I wouldn't have tried to commit suicide. Please listen how our Darling Lord healed me of depression -

Please also read the lesson on Counseling & Psychology -

The Only One that could help me was our Darling Lord, it was only Him that could heal this hurt inside me, only He could fill me up with His peace and joy. So dear precious bride I want to encourage you to please run to our Darling Lord with everything, He is our Wonderful Counselor, He is our Healer.

"Then they criedย to theย Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave." P107:19-20

10 thoughts on “Counseling and Psychology Coundn’t Help Me”

  1. This is so true Janineโค๏ธ True healing only comes when we know Him and lay all of our hurts to Him. He will geal us from the inside out. It won’t be pretty but is so worth it. I hate psychology, I have a degree on it and I know how much harm it could do to anyone. They teach you to focus on you, when we must focus on Him and others. A huge lifechanger is to ooen our hearts to His truth and just serve anf let go. Understanding our worth comes from Him and nobody else.
    Thank you for sharing.
    This chapter is also helpful

    1. Yes precious true healing only comes from our Darling Lord, Only He can fill the void. For so long I looked for my worth in the world and in others, but I find my worth by my Darling. Thank you for sharing precious Isabella, I didn’t know you have a degree on it, wow so this is even the truth from somebody that has a degree in it. I remember how tiring it was to talk about me me me and all his mistakes and I felt worse after each session.

      My Darling reminded me now of the lesson, “They Don’t Have It” – nobody has what we need, only He does:

  2. I can relate to this so much! I have been suicidal, depressed, and my counselor even suggested I get on anti depressants! all while being a precious child of God. I am so so happy that He set our feet on His solid rock, and we can know see! what a wonderful love !

  3. Yes precious Rasa what a wonderful Love!
    I hate anti depressants, it made me feel worse, our Darling Lord’s Word is the best medicine ever!

  4. whaou merci pour vos tรฉmoignages j’ai toujours gardรฉ ma douleur en moi ou j’ai pleurรฉ et fait semblant d’รชtre forte. mais je vous assure j’ai perdue du lendemain de mauvaise surprise. je plus confiance depuis que je vis une crise dans mon couplรฉ tellement que je faisais une confiance aveugle ร  mon mari que lorsque j’ai appris sur l’autre femme et un enfant cela m’a dรฉtruit. jusqu’ร  ce que ma foi en subit un coup.

    mais je suis reconnaissante d’avoir dรฉcouvert RMy et tout ces tรฉmoignages qui me permet d’y croire et de savoir que je peux compter sur notre ร‰poux cรฉleste que j’apprends ร  connaรฎtre car il รฉtais tout pour moi sauf mon รฉpoux.
    Wow thank you for your testimonies I always kept my pain inside myself or I cried and pretended to be strong. but I assure you I was left with unpleasant surprises the next day. I have more confidence since I experienced a crisis in my relationship so much that I blindly trusted my husband that when I learned about the other woman and a child it destroyed me. until my faith suffered a blow.

    But I am grateful to have discovered RMI and all these testimonies which allow me to believe in them and to know that I can count on our heavenly Spouse whom I am getting to know because he was everything for me except my husband.

    1. Dear precious Esther I am so grateful that you found RMI and even more grateful that you are getting to know our Darling Lord as your Heavenly Husband.

      I know what you are talking about, because when my husband left me for a other women it broke me because I really thought he wouldn’t leave me, but now I know all my trust must be in the Lord and not in a man. It reminds me of this lesson –

  5. “Always trust in God, tell him all your problems, God is our refuge. Selah” Psalms 62:8

    Thanks for sharing Janine! How powerful is our Heavenly Spouse and his word to heal!

    My Beloved reminded me of this recently published testimony about the “Gratitude therapy” that our Husband has given us at RMI to cure depression: I think many You would be blessed to do this therapy if you feel depressed or start to feel sad. Personally I have done it, if I feel sad or feel oppression I start to be grateful and in a moment that feeling goes away.

    Like you, I hate psychology and I can relate to you having sought advice from other people, which only brought me more destruction and sadness. But it was when I spoke to my Heavenly Husband and listened to him that I truly felt freedom and healing!

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Anastasia, I can also testify that doing the “Gratitude Therapy” lets any downhearted feeling flee.

  6. I’m trained in counseling. I KNOW! At one point I was suicidal and sought counseling in the methods I was trained in. It didn’t touch the pain or heal anything. God placed one counselor in my life who told me. When you let go and move on you will find freedom and your FH heart will be turned to you. This counselor was a man of God. Further I share scripture and encourage women to seek God. No medicine, no balm, no nothing can heal us more fully and completely as knowing and being known by our precious Lord.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Annabeth, I agree with you, because there was really no medicince that could make me feel better, although it was supppose to, it just made me feel worse, at a point so bad, that I had to ask the chemist if my pills where not switched around, whereby it wasn’t. Our Darling Lord is the best ever Healer!

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