Desire His Heart

‘Take delight in the Lord , and he will give you the desires of your heart. ‘

Psalms 37:4

Hello Ladies!

Last week I spoke about how I am still learning throughout the journey and letting my HH fight my battles for me. Well, He has been answering all my heart’s desires lately. To some it may seem insignificant or a coincidence, but I know that it is my Honey giving me the desires of my heart because I have found His Love again. Here is what I would like to share this week.

Every morning, I am woken up at the time that I ask my Honey to wake me while speaking to him during bed time. I no longer need a loud alarm clock to wake me up. It is such a more peaceful way to wake up.

My weight has been a struggle after my third daughter was born and it was something that caused a lot of embarrassment. I haven’t wanted to take care of my appearance much because I thought what’s the point. But in the last couple months, my HH has helped me to fast and eat less, while working out daily. I have lost 20 lbs and I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. But I know my Honey doesn’t want to stop there. He has more planned for me. He has also put a desire back in me to take care of my appearance because of His Love. I have been able to get new make up and nail polish. It makes me feel so special.

Another answered prayer of mine has been to really and truly enjoy being with my daughters at home whether we’re doing something fun or doing household chores. I can honestly say that I get so excited seeing them when they wake up, reading to them, teaching them, and putting them to bed. Are there still challenging times throughout the day, yes of course, but the difference is that I know I am not doing it alone. My daughters have also been talking to Jesus and about God with questions all day about creation. They want to pray when they want something instead of just asking. It is exciting to see the seeds that I’ve been planting start to sprout. I know that my Honey is going to complete the work in them as they continue to grow and I can trust Him to do it.

Lastly, our family has struggled financially within the past couple months since we moved across the country again. But thankfully He was able to find an unlikely job for my EH. A job my EH didn’t even apply for, but was given to him on the spot. This job is providing more than any other job he has had before and it’s a job my EH genuinely enjoys. I know this is my Honey being very generous to my family for my faithfulness in him alone.

Ladies, I share all this not to boast about all that is happening in my life. But instead to share that praying and spending time intimately with your HH will open many doors. We can’t do any of these things on our own and the minute that we believe we can, then we are in trouble. Trust that your HH loves you very dearly and He wants to give you every desire of your heart as you desire His heart.

5 thoughts on “Desire His Heart”

  1. Gracias Eida querida, por compartir. El Seรฑor.escucha nuestra oracion y a su tiempo, todo obra para nuestro bien.. Su fidelidad para con nosotras es grande y mas de lo que le pedimos. Que El siga llenandote de detalles

  2. Love this praise Elda!! We are so blessed when we trust in Him! Abiding in His love and dreaming with Him changes everything! He loves us so much and He shows us with little and huge details as you are sharing! We are not alone, we are blessed and cherished, and will be filled with love and grace every day!

  3. Todas as manhรฃs, acordo na hora em que peรงo ao meu querido que me acorde enquanto falo com ele na hora de dormir. Nรฃo preciso mais de um despertador barulhento para me acordar. ร‰ uma maneira mais tranquila de acordar.

    Obrigada querida Elda por esse testemunho incrรญvel!
    Eu tambรฉm antes de dormir, peรงo ao meu Amado para me acordar cedo para eu poder ter um tempo de qualidade com Ele, enquanto me dedico a oraรงรฃo pelo meu dia ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅน
    E emocionante quando Ele me acorda, e eu nรฃo preciso mais daquele despertador ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
    Louvado seja Deus!

    ร‰ tรฃo bom dormir enquanto converso com Ele, e mais maravilhoso รฉ acordar com Ele no meu pensamento, antes de sair da cama!

    Ele รฉ muito lindo. Eu O amo tanto!

    Os filhos sรฃo a Sua heranรงa para nรณs, nossa querida Isabela hoje partilhou hoje no PTG, algo o seu parecido ao que tem passado com suas filhas, eu digo o mesmo que disse a Ela, que o Senhor faรงa dos seus filhos uma flecha em Suas mรฃos .

  4. Thank you for sharing Elda. I, as well, have been on a healthier/weight loss journey with Him since March. It is so great that the Lord has been faithful to provide for you and your family financially and guiding you in your weight loss.

  5. Thank you for sharing precious Elda, yes isn’t it wonderful that we are not doing it alone, He is every step of the way with us. And having a real intimate relationship with our Darling Lord is really life changing.

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