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My Beloved Child
Devotional for Children and Teens
and the unhealed child in you.

January 1

“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me. Come away, my beloved, let us go. You are my beloved” (Song of Sol. 7:10).

“You are my beloved,” He whispers softly in the early morning before the daybreak. “Come away, my Beloved.” He brings you to the dark horizon where there appears just a hint of light. But as you pause and “be still, ” as you Selah in your life, light gives way to color.

You stand in awe of the sunrise as the sky explodes in orange and pink. He has awakened you from your sleep to view His canvas, created just for you. He has painted His sky for your eyes only to behold. As you drink in the sight, it changes faster than you can take it in. Then it is gone.

Beloved, come away with Him when He whispers your name in the dark. Seek Him early while He may be found.

🎈 January 1

“I am My Beloved’s, and his desire is for me. Come away, My Beloved, let us go. You are My Beloved child” (Song of Solomon 7:10).

“You are My beloved,” He whispers softly in the early morning as you begin to wake. He says, “Come away, My Beloved Child.” But as you move, you hear and feel, “Be still, ” as you Selah before you begin your day and speak to Him. *Selah means to stop, ponder or wait a minute to think about it.

Soon, it's time to stand in awe of how you're confident He has planned your day. He has awakened you from your sleep to trust He will be with you, a whisper from your heart to His whenever you need Him.

Beloved child of the King, come away with Him whenever He whispers your name in the dark. Seek Him early as you awake while He may be found and will be with you all day.

January 2

“But I will sing of Your power; yea, I will sing aloud of Thy mercy in the morning: for Thou hast been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble” (Ps. 59:16 KJV).

Each morning is a new day. What transpired yesterday is gone. Even the night of tossing, turning, and wakefulness is over—a new day! God has prepared for you new mercies that are as fresh as the new day.

Yet you say that your mind and spirit are struggling with yesterday's painful and unsettling thoughts? Bask in the newness; leave them behind! Embrace Him, embrace His new day, and anticipate a blessing. “I would have fainted had I not believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Wait for the Lord!

🎈 January 2

“But I will sing about your strength. I will rejoice in your love every morning. You have been my place of safety, the place I can run to when troubles come” (Psalm 59:16).

Each morning is a new day. What transpired yesterday is gone. Even the night of fear, of tossing and turning, is over—let it go—today is a new day! God has prepared for you new mercies that are as fresh as this brand-new day.

Yet you say that your mind and heart are struggling with yesterday's troubles and negative thoughts? Bask in, lay still on your bed, and realize the newness; leave them behind and trust He promises to use everything for good! Embrace Him, embrace His new day, and anticipate and look for a new blessing. “I would have fainted had I not believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Wait for the Lord! He promises to come!!

January 3

“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (Is. 60:1).

Get up with great anticipation and expectancy. Shake off the feelings of oppression, of doom, of foreboding. Arise and shine. Your Light will appear as the sunrise cometh over the eastern horizon. Are you there, with eager anticipation, to meet in an undisturbed quiet with Him? Enter into your “place of rest,” leaving all your troubled cares outside the door. He is waiting for you. Arise and shine, Beloved!

🎈 January 3

“Arise, My child! Let your light shine for all the world to see! For the splendor of the Lord is streaming from you.” (Isaiah 60:1).

Get up out of bed with great anticipation, fascination, and expectancy—expect God to do something special. Shake off the feelings of oppression when you were mistreated, of doom, of foreboding feeling that something bad is about to happen. That's a lie. Arise and shine.

Your Beloved Father's Light will appear radiant from your face. Are you eager, with anticipation, to greet your adventure —even should it begin with heading into the valley? Enter into your “place of rest,” leaving all your troubled cares outside the door of your heart. He is waiting for you to spend the day with you. Arise and shine, Beloved Child of the King!

January 4

“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth” (Ps. 46:10).

How do you know the mind of Christ? How do you feel the presence of your heavenly Father? Be still. It is not in doing, but in stillness. In waiting in His presence. Waiting for Him to speak to your heart. “Be still and know that I am God.”

You will know Him in the stillness of the morning, in the quiet of the silence. There is a time for pouring out your soul to Him, a time of drinking in His words to you. A time of tearful praise of His goodness.

Then rest.

Be still.

And know . . .

🎈 January 4

“Be still, and know that I am God: God says, “Stop fighting and know that I am God! I am the one who defeats the nations; I am the one who controls the world.”

Be still, dear child of God. It is not in doing something but in His stillness and trusting the One who is in control. You become powerful by waiting in His presence and listening to Him who is speaking calmess into your heart. “Be still and know that I am God.”
You will begin to know Him more and more in the stillness of the morning, in the quiet of the silence. There is a time for crying out to Him and drinking in His words to you. A time of tearful thanks to Him for His goodness to you.

Yet, rest.

Be still.

And then you will know...

January 5

“For it is not an enemy who reproaches me, then I could bear it; nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me, then I could hide myself from him. But it is you, a man my equal, my companion and my familiar friend. We who had sweet fellowship together, walked in the house of God in the throng. Is your heart in pain and sorrow? ‘It was you, a man my equal . . . If we could only fly and be at rest’” (Ps. 55:12).

Beloved, He knows your sorrows. He is acquainted with your grief.

Has your Lord felt the pain when it was you and He who had sweet fellowship, but you were gone? Has He so longed for you that now He has removed your lover and friend far from you? Have you left your first love? Leave your pain and run to Him. He is waiting with arms opened wide to welcome you. Enjoy the sweetness of His fellowship.

🎈 January 5

“If it were an enemy insulting, taunting, and hurting me, I could bear it better. If it were my enemies attacking me, I could hide. But it is you, the one so close to me, my companion, my good friend, who is doing this." (Psalms 55:12-13)

Beloved, He knows your sorrows. He is very familiar with your grief. Everyone, even His Father, turned their backs on our Beloved Father and Brother. But it will always be designed for GOOD. (Romans 8:28).

Leave your pain and betrayal and run to Him. He is waiting with arms opened wide to surround you with His love, enough to overcome and bless your enemies. Enjoy the sweetness of His fellowship every morning, noon, and night. Keep Him close to you and always speak to Him in your heart.

Your bridge to more truth >>"Closer than a Brother"

January 6

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Is. 40:31 KJV).

Beloved, are you waiting, waiting? Waiting for God to move in your situation? Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Beloved, He is merely renewing your strength to take you higher, that you may soar like the eagles. Has He removed you from those who used to fly with you? Do you now find yourself flying alone, no longer in the flock?

Beloved, He has designed your wings to be as the wings of eagles. Eagles fly alone. Therefore wait. Wait for your strength that you may mount up with wings as eagles.

🎈 January 6

“But those who are waiting to prove their trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring up on new wings; they will walk and even run without getting tired." (Isaiah 40:31)

Beloved Child of God, do you feel as if you have been waiting for God to do something to fix your problems and change what you have asked Him for so long? The peace GOD gives you isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives. (John 14:27)

Beloved Child of the King, the reason He waits it to give you time to renew your strength to take you higher— so that you soon will soar like the eagles. Has He removed everyone you counted on to support and fly with you? Are you flying alone, no longer in the flock?

Beloved, He has designed your wings to be like the wings of eagles. Eagles fly alone. Therefore wait. Wait for the strength you are gaining daily as you wait, and soon, you will be soaring as the eagles.

Your bridge to more truth >> “Forever Best Friend.”

January 7

“It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep” (Ps. 127:2).

There is a common principle, a common thread, an understanding throughout God’s Word: He giveth to His Beloved, even in his sleep.

It is a resting in Him, a ceasing from our striving. We will find that when we abandon worry and reason we can enter into His rest, and, there in the resting, He gives.

Beloved, abandon the thoughts of how He will move or why He hasn’t moved and replace this with trusting, really trusting, relying and leaning on Him today. Beloved lay it all in His arms.

🎈 January 7

"It is a waste of time to get up early and stay up late, trying to work for what you need. Don't you know that the Lord provides for those He loves, even while they are sleeping?" (Psalm 127:2).

Dearly Beloved Child, it is resting in Him and no longer striving that showers us with His blessing. When we disown worry, trusting our Father for all our needs, entering into His peaceful rest that proves we are His.

Beloved, abandon the thoughts of how He will do what He has promised or why He hasn’t taken care of it already and replace this with trusting, really trusting, relying, and leaning on Him today. Dearest, put everything in His strong arms so He can carry it.

January 8

“Look! I see four men loosed and walking about in the midst of the fire without harm, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods!” (Dan. 3:25).

Are the flames of your trials causing you to become anxious? Do you pray earnestly for God to deliver you from this?

Yet, as the three Hebrew children were made to stay amid the flames of persecutions, these words give us hope . . .There appeared!

Beloved, as you walk in the midst of your tests, trials, and temptations, there alone will you have the privilege of walking with the Son of Man. He will appear as the furnace of your life is turned up seven times hotter. When it becomes unbearable, look for Him, He is there.

🎈January 8

“Look!” Nebuchadnezzar shouted. “I see four men, untied, walking around in the fire unharmed! And the fourth looks like a god!” (Daniel 3:25).

Are the flames of your trials causing you to become anxious? Do you pray passionately for God to deliver you from these difficulties you’re going through?

Stay strong. Just as the three Hebrew children were made to stay in the middle of the flames of persecution—they were not alone!

Beloved child, as you walk in the middle of your tests, trials, and temptations, it’s there you have the privilege of walking with the Son of Man. He will appear whenever the furnaces in your life are turned up seven times hotter. When it becomes unbearable, look and see, He is there with you.

January 9

“This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands . . . that all this assembly may know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands” (1 Sam. 17:46–47).

Beloved, are you battle weary? Does your mind reel as you prepare for the enemy’s next attack? Are you looking for an opportunity to make an advancement in the line to gain ground?

We are told “when the battle is the Lord’s, the victory is ours”! Victory is certain with the Commander who has never known defeat. He has never lost a battle against the wicked one and sin. Never.

Yet, when we plan our own strategies, instead of listening and obeying the commands of the Lord, we are continually injured in battle. Stay forever close to His pierced side until you can feel the security of His strength.

🎈January 9

“This very day, the Lord will deliver you into my hands... and all of those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves! For the battle is the Lord’s, and He will deliver you into our hand.” (1 Samuel 17:46-47).

Beloved child, are you battle-weary? Does your mind teeter as you prepare for the enemy’s next attack? Are you looking for an opportunity to take back stolen ground?

Remember, your Father says, “When the battle is the Lord’s, the victory is ours”! Victory is certain because of our Leader, who has never known defeat. He has never lost a battle against the wicked one and sin. Never.

Beloved child, remember, too, when we design our own plan, instead of waiting for the Lord to fight our battles, we will continue to be injured in battle. Stay closer to His side until you can feel the security of His strength.

January 10

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My load is light” (Matt. 11:29).

We can learn much from our Lord and Savior as He walked calmly on the face of this earth, knowing His destiny, as He carried the weight of the world on His shoulders. Yet with all the weight He stated that His yoke was easy and His burden was light.

Instead of taking His yoke, we choose to worry, fret, and be anxious. The cares of this world eventually choke His Word, and we gasp for life. It is at this place we finally release our burdens as they fall to our sides.

It is here we find rest for our souls. Oh, Beloved, if we could just daily take His yoke upon us. If we would only learn from Him, for He was meekness and lowliness in bodily form . . .

It is there we will find rest.

🎈January 10

“Take My yoke on your shoulders and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart. When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will find rest. My yoke is comfortable, and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:29).

Beloved child, you can learn so much from our Lord, our Savior, remembering how He walked calmly on the face of this earth even though He knew His destiny. He carried the weight of the world’s sins on His shoulders. Yet with all that weight, He stated that His yoke was easy and His burden was light.

Why choose to worry, fret, and be anxious? The cares of this world eventually choke His Word, and we gasp for life. It seems it’s only when we are at the end of ourselves, that we finally release our burdens as they fall to our sides.

Oh, Beloved child, today find rest for your soul. Take His yoke, learn from Him, and watch as He transforms you into a person of meekness where you will find rest.

January 11

“You have removed my acquaintances far from me; You have made me an object of loathing to them; I am shut up and cannot go out. My eye has wasted away because of affliction; I have called upon You every day, O Lord; I have spread out my hands to You” (Ps. 88:8–9).

How often have we felt shut up? Are your trials and your situations or circumstances stifling you? Do you feel caged? Desperately we seek escape. Worry overwhelms us. Anxiousness mounts.

Oh, Beloved, it is here that the Lord has brought you. You are not in prison but in a palace when you notice Who is here with you. It is in this place that you are safe. He has not put you here to punish you but to minister to you, to love you, to remove you from the tumult of the raging war just beyond the protective walls in which He has kept you. Do not try to find escape. Rest here. Rejoice here.

You have been hidden in Him. Be still.

🎈January 11

“You have removed my friends far from me; You have made me sickening to them. I am trapped and cannot get free.” (Psalm 88:8-9).

Beloved child, how often have you felt trapped? Are your trials and your situations or circumstances smothering you? Do you feel caged? Are you desperately trying to find out how to escape?

Oh, Beloved child, this is the place the Lord wants you to be. You are not in prison but in a palace when you notice Who is here with you. It is in this place where you are safe. He has not removed your friends to punish you but so you could be alone with Him so He could care for you and love you. He is hiding you from the raging war just outside the protective walls where He is keeping you—keeping you safe. Do not try to escape. Rest here. 

You have been hidden in Him. Be still.

January 12

“For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I” (Rom. 7:15 KJV).

Does your heart long to rid your life of sin, to change the habits and occasions to do wrong? Does your soul ache and anguish as you look behind and see the mistakes that haunt your present state?

Beloved, there was only One who walked the face of the earth who was without sin—Jesus alone.

It is only in Him that we can possibly and forever change. It is only sitting in His presence with a longing for Him in our spirit that we can be made new. And once new, we can look back at our failures and rejoice that He has forgiven and now is perfecting us.

🎈January 12

“I don’t really understand myself because I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.” (Romans 7:15).

Beloved child, does your heart long to rid your life of sin, to change your bad habits that lead to doing what is wrong? Does your heart ache each time you remember the mistakes you’ve made?

Beloved child, there was only One who walked the face of the earth who was without sin—our Savior.

Beloved child, only by Him can you possibly and forever change. And it’s not done by trying or working at it. It’s done while sitting in His presence with a longing for Him in your heart that He makes new. And once new, you can look back at your failures with gratefulness rather than guilt because He has and will continue perfecting you.

January 13

“When he had taken him and brought him to his mother, he sat on her lap until noon, and then died. And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door behind him, and went out . . . And it came about when the man of God saw her at a distance, that he said to Gehazi his servant, ‘Behold, yonder is the Shunammite. Please run now to meet her and say to her, “Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with the child?”’And she answered, ‘It is well’” (2 Kings 4:20–26).

Ponder the words of this mother as she met the prophet’s messenger: “It is well . . .”

Only moments before she had held her only son of her old age in her arms. She had watched him take his last breath. She had walked up the stairs with his lifeless body. She had laid her son, dead, upon the bed.

Yet her words . . .“It is well.”

The song “It Is Well with My Soul” was written and sung, too, in the deepest of tragedy, when a man had lost his entire family.

Beloved, is it well with you? Are you at peace with the One who is still in control, though circumstances show otherwise? Do you love and trust His goodness, power, and sovereignty enough to answer “it is well”?

🎈January 13

“The servant brought the child inside to his mother, and about noon, while the boy was sitting in his mother’s lap, he died. She took his lifeless body and laid him down on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door, and went out . . . 

When the man of God saw her at a distance, he said to his servant, ‘Look, it’s the Shunammite woman. Go quickly to see what she wants. Ask her, ‘Is everything alright? Is your husband well? Is your son well?’ And she answered, ‘It is well’” (2 Kings 4:20, 25-26).

Beloved child, stop to think about how this mother answered. Only moments before, she had held her only son of her old age in her arms. She had watched him take his last breath. She had walked up the stairs with his lifeless body. She had laid her lifeless son’s body on the bed.

Yet she said, “It is well.”

The song “It Is Well with My Soul” was written by a man who had lost his entire family.

Beloved child, is it well with you? Are you at peace with the One who is still in control, even though everything screams to panic? Are you able to trust His goodness, power, and sovereignty enough to answer “It is well”? If not, simply ask Him. Ask Him to enable you to see with the same eyes of faith as this mother who later heard the words, “Your son is alive. Pick him up.”

January 14

“Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered” (Heb. 5:8).

Why must suffering be the companion of the believer?

Have we forgotten the sufferings of Christ and the perfecting it brought even in a perfect life? “He learned obedience . . .”

Yes, this is much needed in the life of the believer. Obedience. To walk His perfect will, not swayed by personal impulses that could cause us to stray from the perfect will of God. And as we walk this narrow path, He removes our burdens, which we have too long carried upon our backs, burdens burnt up through the fiery trials brought on by choosing to walk through the sufferings rather than turning our backs on His will for our lives.

Suffering is in order to learn obedience. Let’s obey.

🎈January 14

“Even though He was God’s Son, He learned obedience from the things that He suffered.” (Hebrews 5:8).

Beloved child, so many don’t understand why God asks us to suffer. But how can we forget how God’s Son suffered because it led to living His perfect life? God says, “He learned obedience from the things that He suffered.”

Beloved child, this means that because you are His child, you will be made more perfect when you suffer— rather than becoming bitter. Everyone suffers on earth; the difference is His children trust their Father. His child gives each burden to Him to be burned up through the fiery trials as we choose to walk through the sufferings rather than those who choose to turn their backs on His will for their lives.

Suffering exists in order to learn obedience. Beloved child, begin to get excited to obey and watch your life transformed.

January 15

“Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert” (Is. 35:6 KJV).

God may have sent you out into the desert, not that you should die, but live! For the Israelites to make it to the land promised to them, it required a walk through the desert. Those who murmured and complained, those who didn’t trust God’s goodness, but instead accused Him of “bringing us out to die,” never tasted the good land.

God has not only removed you from Egypt (the world) and bondage (sin), but He is leading you to a land where there will be “no want.” Along this journey, He will show you streams in the desert, blessing in the midst of your parched soul.

🎈January 15

“Then those who limp will leap like a deer excited; they will run and jump tirelessly and gracefully. Those who cannot speak will sing for joy! Waters will pour through the wilderness; streams will flow in the deserts.” (Isaiah 35:6).

Beloved child, God may have sent you into the desert, but not so you should die, in order to live! Remember, in order for God’s children to make it to the Promised Land, they needed to walk through the desert. Everyone who murmured and complained, each who didn’t trust God’s goodness but instead accused Him of “bringing us out to die,” never made it to the good land He’d promised.

Beloved child, God has not only removed you from the world and stronghold of sin, but He is leading you to a land where you will discover streams in the desert and blessings where there was once nothing.

January 16

“You provided bread from heaven for them for their hunger, You brought forth water from a rock for them for their thirst, and You told them to enter in order to possess the land which You swore to give them” (Neh. 9:15).

Beloved, do you thirst? Is your situation or are your circumstances causing you to dry out? The Lord can bring you water gushing out from a rock.

Trust that He will meet all your needs. Do not be like those who allowed adversity to weaken their faith. Instead, draw closer to the tent of the Almighty as Joshua did and allow your lack and your desert land to strengthen your faith in Him. Know that there will be a Jordan to cross over, a wall of Jericho that must fall, and that will need faith and spiritual boldness to conquer.

When you see an obstacle in your path, a rock or a boulder, remember God is able to bring forth living waters from it.

🎈January 16

“When Your people were hungry, You gave them food from heaven. When they were thirsty, You made water flow out of a rock. You told them to enter the land You promised them. You told them to enter and take possession of it.” (Nehemiah 9:15).

Beloved child, are you hungry and thirsty? Is your life making you feel dried out? Beloved child, call out to Him, and watch the Lord bring you water gushing out from a rock.

Beloved child, trust that God will meet all your needs. Do not be like those who allowed difficulties to weaken their faith. Instead, draw closer to the Almighty as Joshua did and allow your lack and your desert land to strengthen your faith in Him. Soon, you will see a Jordan River to cross over, a wall of Jericho that will fall, but that needs strong faith and unwavering faith in your Father and Savior.

Beloved child, each time see an obstacle in your path, a rock or a boulder, remember God is able to bring forth living waters from it.

January 17

“But the humble will inherit the land and will delight themselves in abundant prosperity” (Ps. 37:11).

Have you longed, dear saint, for spiritual power, for a testimony that would turn the heads of those who need the Lord? Have you lived in mediocrity for so long and yearned for the abundant life?

What you have longed and searched for, you can now attain. Allow the Lord to drudge up the bottom of the shallow streams you’ve been sailing, in order for you to enter into the deeper and swifter rivers of life. All too soon, as you yield to Him, not shrinking back from the pain or fear, you will find yourself in the great open waters of the seas. It is here where your life will cause others to take notice, like the huge sailing ships of the great seas.

🎈January 17

“But the humble-hearted and oppressed will inherit the land, and they will delight themselves in abundant prosperity.” (Psalm 37:11).

Beloved child, have you longed for spiritual strength and a testimony that would get the attention of everyone who needs the Lord as their Friend and Savior? Have you lived a life that feels meaningless for too long and are desperate to find an abundant life?

Beloved child, everything you have longed and searched for, you can now find. Allow the Lord to dig up the bottom of the shallow streams you’ve been sailing on so you glide over the deeper and swifter rivers of life. All too soon, as you trust Him, not shrinking back from the pain or fear but pressing forward—you will find yourself in the great open waters of the seas. It is here where your life will cause others to take notice, like the huge sailing ships of the great seas.

January 18

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name” (Ps. 100:4 KJV).

There is a place you must go, and go to regularly—a place of rest from the storms of life, a place of quiet and solitude. There you must enter in, to sit in His presence and wait on Him. Nothing can strengthen your spirit or soul as solitude and waiting on Him.

Often it is in the evening we seek Him, which too often is in the midst of the same hustle and bustle of the day. Instead, set aside a place early in the day, apart from all interruptions, and enter into His peace, His love and be forever changed.

🎈January 18

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.” (Psalm 100:4).

Beloved child, there is a place you must go and go to regularly—a place of rest from the storms of life, a place of quiet and peacefulness. While there, you can sit in His presence and wait, surrounded by Him. Nothing can strengthen your mind and heart more than waiting quietly with Him.

Beloved child, we usually are desperate for Him in the middle of a difficult day. Instead of hurried and desperate times to be with Him, set aside a time early in the day, away from all interruptions, and enter into His peace and His love, and be forever changed.

January 19

“These things I remember and I pour out my soul within me. For I used to go along with the throng and lead them in procession to the house of God, with the voice of joy and thanksgiving, a multitude keeping festival” (Ps. 42:4).

When we are sick in body, we seek a physician. Yet who do we seek for our sick and wounded hearts? The Scriptures ask, “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?”

Beloved, there is a soothing balm for your hurts and your wounded heart. Go to the great and mighty Physician, who knows our sorrows and is well acquainted with grief. Who knows betrayal first hand, but Jesus, who saw the closest to Him turn and walk away from Him during His darkest moments. It is there, with the mighty Physician, that you may pour out your sick soul of pain, disappointments, and betrayals—and be healed. Choose no other.

🎈January 19

“With a broken heart, I remember times before when I was with Your people. Those were better days. I used to lead them happily into the True God’s house, Singing with joy, Shouting thanksgivings with the congregation in the celebration.” (Psalm 42:4).

Beloved child, when you are reminded of better days, rather than becoming gloomy, remember the better times as the Psalm, the song says.

Beloved child, there is a soothing balm for your hurts and your wounded heart waiting for you. Go to the great and mighty Physician, your Father. Remember the wounded heart of your Beloved Brother, who watched His closest friends turn their back on Him during His darkest moments on this earth. 

Beloved child, at the first sign of pain, go to your great and mighty Physician, and pour out your emotional pain—disappointments and betrayals—and be healed. Settle for no other than Him.

January 20

“[Cast] all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you” (1 Pet. 5:7).

God knows that we were not created to carry burdens. He compares us to sheep, not to oxen, who are the burden bearers. Sheep are fearful creatures as, too, are we.

Many times it is the fear that burdens our souls, burdens our minds with worry, reasoning, planning.

Beloved, cast all your cares upon the Lord, for He can take your cares, every one. Hold nothing back. Come to the place where you confess that, without His taking these cares from you, you cannot carry on any longer. Then, leave them there—refuse to carry their weight again. You have cast them off and they are now His to do with what seemeth right to Him.

🎈January 20

“Let God have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.” (1 Peter 5:7).

Beloved child, your Father did not create you to carry burdens. Instead, God compares us to sheep, not to oxen. Oxen are the burden bearers. Sheep are fearful creatures, easily led, and in need of a Shepherd.

Beloved child, let God have all your worries and cares. Why carry them when He’s right there, next to you, just waiting for you to be free from your burdens? Hold back nothing. Confess any concerns or how you feel you failed. Leave it all there with Him—refuse to carry their weight again. Let God set you free!

January 21

“And the one on whom seed was sown among the thorns, this is the man who hears the Word, and the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the Word, and it becomes unfruitful” (Matt. 13:22).

The cares and worries of your situation have the ability to choke the Word from your very heart. Beloved, have you found that these days are filled with worry? That worries have become a familiar friend? Refuse them. Resist them. Run to Him for solace. Lay them at the feet of your Lover.

Replace the yoke of worrying with His yoke of peace. Take His yoke. Learn how He, through prayer, yielded His worry and put His trust in the Father and His will. With worry gone, the Word will flow freely, refreshing your soul.

🎈January 21

“The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear God’s Word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced.” (Matthew 13:22).

Beloved child, the cares and worries you hold onto and when you're “longing for money" "choke out God’s Word.” Beloved child, have your days been filled with worry? Have worries become a familiar friend? Refuse them. Resist them. Run to Him for comfort. Give each of them to your Father.

Beloved child, once you give them to the only One who can deal with them for you, He will replace your worries with His peace. Learn how your Beloved Brother and Savior gave His worry and put His trust in His Father and trusted His will. Once your worry is gone, God’s Word and promises will flow freely, refreshing your heart and will lead to abundant fruit and prosperity.

January 22

“O my God, I trust in Thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me” (Ps. 25:2 KVJ).

Beloved, are you holding back rather than yielding totally to your Savior for fear that shame of failures will follow? The Psalmist knew all too well the nature of man, to fear shame. This is why he speaks to God time and again, “Let me not be ashamed,” and gives his concerns to Him.

Do you believe that trusting God totally and completely with the outcome of your situation, along with every detail, will result in your looking foolish? Fear not. Is He who created you, who allowed the situation to occur, and who brought you to this place of total dependence on Him—is He not the very same who created the universe, controls the seasons, and rules the kings of the earth? Trust Him, for He is more than able to protect you.

🎈January 22

“Because You are my God and I put my trust in You, You will not let me be humiliated. You will not let my enemies celebrate at my expense.” (Psalm 25:2).

Beloved child, are you holding back rather than completely trusting your Savior because you fear that the shame of failures will follow you? Your Father knows the nature of man, to fear shame. Remember, your Father is also your Creator. This is why in Psalms you read time and again, “Let me not be ashamed,” and encourages you to give your concerns over to Him.

Beloved child, do you believe that trusting God totally and completely with the outcome of your situation, along with every detail, will end with you looking foolish? Fear not. This is a lie of the enemy. God created you, He allowed the situation to occur because He brought you to this special place so you would learn total dependence on Him. 

Beloved child, the very same God who created the universe, controls the seasons, and rules the kings of the earth is your Father who you can trust to protect you.

January 23

“Then Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced over what God had prepared for the people, because the thing came about suddenly” (2 Chron. 29:36).

Beloved, is your heart in great anticipation for the Lord’s arrival on the scene of your situation? Have you “done all,” and are you now waiting for His coming? Waiting only in Him, in your salvation from the circumstances, that He has kept you? Do you look now for Him alone? Is your heart thrilling over each and every event when the Lord shows that His hand is surely in your life, that He is concerned and is close at hand?

Wait in great anticipation for His coming. And when He shows up on the scene, everything and everyone will change in an instant . . . suddenly!

🎈January 23

“Hezekiah and all the people were happy about what God had done for them, for it had been done quickly and suddenly.” (2 Chronicles 29:36).

Beloved child, are you waiting with excitement knowing God will come quickly and suddenly? Have you “done all,” and now you are simply waiting for Him to come? Are you looking only for Him? Is your heart rejoicing over each and every event when the Lord shows that He is blessing and protecting your life, that He is concerned and is always close by when you call?

Beloved child, while you wait remember it will happen suddenly. There is most often no sign, it’s done quickly and suddenly.  Once He shows up on the scene, everything and everyone will change in an instant

January 24

“For Thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for Thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me” (Ps. 31:3 KJV).

Beloved, does the way before you seem impossible? Is your future full of the unknown?

You are not alone.

The Lord has not “sent” you but has asked you to walk “with” Him.

Are you anxious about what you must give up, what He is asking you to leave behind? Do you long for the fruits of Egypt, but have forgotten the land that He has promised you, the land flowing with milk and honey? But, oh, the desert land that looms before us, as my Savior and I stand hand in hand!

Beloved, do not let go. Stay close by His side, eyes on Him. Yield to His turnings even when it seems you are headed the wrong way. Whisper to Him, “Lead me, Lord . . .”

🎈January 24

“You are my Rock and my protection, my mighty fortress. For the honor of Your name, lead me out of this present danger.” (Psalm 31:3).

Beloved child, does the path you're on seem impossible? Is your future full of the unknown?

You are not alone.

Beloved child, your Beloved Brother and Savior has not “sent” you but has asked you to walk “with” Him as He leads you.

Beloved child, do not take your eyes off of Him. Stay close by His side, as He leads you. Hold tightly to His hand as He turns to the right or left even when it seems you are headed the wrong way. Whisper to Him, “Lead me, I will follow You.”

January 25

“‘You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the Lord is with you” (2 Chron. 20:17).

Beloved, are you being forced upon? Are you standing with your back to a Red Sea in your life?

Fear not.

But turn.

Stand and see the salvation of the Lord in this particular situation. Your Jericho is up ahead, your final and glorious victory, which will be total restoration. But before that, you will see the parting of the seas in your circumstances; the Lord will feed you with manna, food from His Word that will sustain you daily in your wilderness. He will wash you, cleanse you, and refresh you with fresh waters in your dry places.

All these as you trust Him. As you merely stand and see . . .

🎈January 25

“You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf. Do not be afraid and do not be discouraged. Tomorrow march out toward them, the Lord will be with you.” (2 Chronicles 20:17).

Beloved child, is the enemy coming toward you? Are you standing with your back to a "Red Sea" in your life?

Fear not.

Just turn.

Stand right there and see the salvation of the Lord. Your Jericho is up ahead, His final and magnificent defeat against the enemy. But before that moment, you will witness your Father parting of the seas in your circumstances. Your Father will feed you with manna, supernatural food from His Word that will strengthen you daily during your journey through the wilderness. Your Father will cleanse you and refresh you with clean waters in each of the dry places.

All these will happen as you simply stand and see

January 26

“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth” (Ps. 121:1–2 KVJ).

Beloved, where is your strength coming from?

Are you tired, weary, or maybe discouraged?

All the strength we will ever need is from a single, ready source. “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Is your need really too big for God, who made you and all that you see? Is He not more than able?

All He asks from us is our leaning on, relying on, and calling on His name. And then, with faith—for without faith we cannot please Him—with faith we wait, eyes lifted to heaven, “from whence cometh my help.”

🎈January 26

“I look up at the vast size of the mountains— from where will my help come in times of trouble? My help comes from my Father, the Creator of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2).

Beloved child, where is your strength coming from?

Beloved child, where do you look for your help?

All the strength we will ever need is from a single, ready source. “My help comes from the God of Israel, who made heaven and earth.” Do you honestly believe that your need is too big for God, who made you and all that you see? No, of course—He is more than able!

Beloved child, all He asks from you is to lean on, rely on, and call His name every time you need anything. Then, with faith—for without faith we cannot please Him—simply wait and turn your eyes, not at the mountain, but look up to Him, the Source of your help.

January 27

“But let him ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (James 1:6–8).

Beloved, are you being driven and tossed by the wind? Do you feel unstable in your decisions, in all your ways?

Then, Beloved, you are living with a mind that is doubled. God said that those with a mind that is doubled should expect nothing from God. Double-mindedness is what has you reeling. Settle this thing in your mind.

Do you doubt God’s ability to do this thing for you? Is there anything too difficult for Him? Or is it that you feel you have failed to earn it? Is it not blessings, mercy, and free gifts that He gives to us even as we sleep? Then, Beloved, it must be your lack of obedience that has you doubting. Settle this thing today. Obey and then believe for the goodness of the Lord.

🎈January 27

“But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.” (James 1:6-8).

Beloved child, are you being blown and tossed by the wind? Do you feel unsettled?

Then, Beloved child, you are living with a mind that is divided. God said that those with a divided mind can expect nothing from God. Divided loyalty, trusting the things of the world rather than God is unstable.

Beloved child, do not doubt God’s ability to do whatever it is you need. Is there honestly anything too difficult for Him? Or did you believe the enemy who lied that you failed to earn it? It’s a lie that we must earn when God is a God of blessings, of mercy, and the ultimate free gift—eternal life! God even reminds us that He gives to us even as we sleep. 

So, Beloved child,  settle this thing today. Put your faith in God alone.

January 28

“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps. 27:13).

Why do some never see victory? Are we not warned not to weary of doing well? Are we not promised that those who endure to the end will receive a reward?

The answer lies in just two words: “I believe.”

There is no question in those two words. The statement is resolute. No wavering.

Beloved, are you as determined to believe God where you stand? Not knowing how or when, but knowing somehow and at some time?

Yes, as the Psalmist proclaimed, I, too, would have fainted unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Therefore I will wait.

🎈January 28

“Where would I be if I did not believed I would experience the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living?” (Psalm 27:13).

Beloved child, why do even believers not see promises fulfilled? 

The answer lies in just two words: “I believe.”

There is no question in those two words. God’s statement is fixed. Our future is what we believe.

Beloved child, will you believe God and that what He promised is coming? Even believing when you are not sure how or when it will happen?

Beloved child, where will you be if you do not believe you will surely experience the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living? Now simply wait.

January 29

“Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed . . . He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them” (Ps. 2:1–4).

Do you see that the enemy is doing a vain thing as they plot against the Lord and His anointed? God sits in the heavens and laughs. For He knows that man’s desires and plans are futile against the ways of the Lord and His will.

As we rise above the torments that assail us, as we leave matters of this world and climb to the heights of praise, we have the ability to look down at our circumstances that have altogether plagued us. We can now see clearly, as God sees them from His heavenly throne. They are futile attempts when there is One so great that He is not worried by the attempts and plans of the enemy but instead scoffs at them.

🎈January 29

“Why are the nations restless and people plotting in vain? Why are the people making plans to pursue their own vacant and empty greatness
plotting against His Anointed? The Lord who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them in disgust.” (Psalm 2:1-4).

Beloved child, when you sense the enemy is plotting against you, laugh it off. God says the enemy is doing a vain thing anytime they plot against the Lord and His anointed. Join in with the Lord while He sits in the heavens and laughs. Trust that He knows that whatever plans are against the ways of the Lord and His will for you will be stopped.

Beloved child, leave all the troubles of this world and climb into your Father’s lap of love. It’s from there that we can look down on the circumstances that have troubled and frightened us. From His lap of love, we can now see clearly, the foolish attempts coming against us because there is One so great that He is not worried about any plans of the enemy but instead He laughs, He scoffs in disgust at them. Laugh.

January 30

“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return” (Luke 6:38).

Beloved, what is needed for God to move on your behalf? Have you waited in vain? Do you need a miracle for your present situation to be made right? Then give.

Give all to Him, holding nothing back. You come to Him in need, but you are not relinquishing everything. What are you holding back?

The widow gave all she had and the Lord singled her out of the crowd for all she had given.

The boy with the fish and loaves gave all he had, which enabled more than 5,000 to eat.

The Lord has given you His life. What will you give to Him?

🎈January 30

“Don’t hold back—give freely, and you’ll have plenty poured back into your lap—a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, brimming over. You’ll receive in the same measure you give.” (Luke 6:38).

Beloved child, are you feeling needy? Are you worried you have waited and what He promised is never going to happen? Are you trusting, begging God for a miracle? Then give.

“Don’t hold back—give freely!"

Beloved child, your Savior made sure you knew about the widow who gave all she had. He pointed her out of the crowd because He said she had given it all. Just like the boy with the fish and loaves who gave all he had, and it ended up feeding more than 5,000.

Beloved child, He has given you His life. What will you give to Him in return?

January 31

“He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” (Ps. 126:6 KJV).

Beloved, are you sowing even though you sow with tears? Are you forever carrying your seeds with you even though sorrow and heaviness are also your companions? Then doubtless you will soon come again rejoicing!

Beloved, though mourning and tears are your daily friends, this is not the time to neglect the waiting soil where your seeds of faith, your seeds of comforting others, your seeds of love, your seeds of service would yield a bountiful harvest.

Don’t allow your circumstances to so keep your attention that you neglect this opportunity. Harvest time will come, and those who have sown in tears will doubtless come again carrying the fruits of their labor with them.

🎈January 31

“The one who weeps as he walks along, carrying his bag of seed, will certainly come again with a shout of joy, returning with the harvest.” (Psalm 126:6).

Beloved child, are you sowing your seeds even though your eyes are filled with tears? Are you faithfully carrying your seeds with you even though sorrow and heaviness are causing you to feel weary? Then get ready to shout—you will soon return with a abundant harvest!

Beloved child, even though heartache and tears are your daily friends, this is not the time to neglect sowing into the soil where your seeds of faith, your seeds of comforting others, your seeds of love, your seeds of serving others will soon result in abundance, a rich and rewarding harvest.

Beloved child, don’t let anything keep you from this opportunity. Harvest time will come, and those who have sown in tears will certainly come again shouting for joy with the fruits of their labor, their harvest as proof of your faith in Him.